Two successive filament eruptions accompanying a flare

Bi Yi,, Yunnan Astronomical Observatory
Hong Junchao,, Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, China

We present an analysis of the successive eruption of two solar filaments using data obtained from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). The larger filament, showing dextral chirality, erupted on 27 April 2011 and no associated flare was detected. By mean of three-dimension reconstruction technology, we can deduce that the filament underwent counter-clockwise rotation in the course of the eruption. The smaller filament locating near the endpoints of the larger one, however, showed sinitral chirality and erupted when the top of the larger erupting filament reached the height of about 300 Mm. A flare was detected above the erupted small filament. We suggest that the flare was resulted from the interaction and reconnection between the small filament and the surrounding magnetic field, which may be two flux systems having opposite helicity.