Rotating stellar models of low-mass, pre-main sequence stars with an imposed magnetic field

Mendes Luiz,, Departamento de Eng. Eletronica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Landin Natalia,, Departamento de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Vicosa
Vaz Luiz,, Departamento de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

The ATON 2.3 stellar evolution code has been improved in order to fully incorporate the effects of a magnetic field on the stellar structure and evolution. The technique introduced by Lydon & Sofia (1996), which modifies the equations of stellar structure and also the mixing-length theory, was adopted for that purpose; due to the one-dimensional nature of the ATON code, only some simplified magnetic field geometries can be explored. In this context, stellar models of rotating, low-mass stars have been computed in order to investigate the effects of a radially-varying imposed magnetic field, covering both the pre-main sequence and the main-sequence phases. Here we report preliminary results on some stellar properties of those models, with particular emphasis on the magnetic field impact on convection and the associated lithium depletion.