Dynamo seed fields in proto-galaxies
and dynamo action in young galaxies
Schober Jennifer, Schober@stud.uni-heidelberg.de, Institut
für Theoretische Astrophysik, Heidelberg, Germany
The first galaxies form due to gravitational collapse of primordial
halos. During this collapse, weak magnetic seed fields get amplified
exponentially by the small-scale dynamo - a process converting kinetic
energy from turbulence into magnetic energy. We use the Kazantsev
theory, which describes the small-scale dynamo analytically, to study
magnetic field amplification for different turbulent velocity
correlation functions. For incompressible turbulence (Kolmogorov
turbulence), we find that the growth rate is proportional to the square
root of the hydrodynamic Reynolds number, Re^(1/2). In the case of
highly compressible turbulence (Burgers turbulence) the growth rate
increases proportional to Re^(1/3). With a detailed chemical network we
are able to follow the chemical evolution and determine the kinetic and
magnetic viscosities (due to Ohmic and ambipolar diffusion) during the
collapse of the halo. This way, we can calculate the growth rate of the
small-scale dynamo quantitatively and predict the evolution of the
small-scale magnetic field. As the magnetic energy is transported to
larger scales on the local eddy-timescale, we get an estimate for the
magnetic field on the Jeans scale. Even there, we find that
equipartition with the kinetic energy is reached on small timescales.
Dynamically relevant field structures can thus be expected already
during the formation of the first objects in the Universe.