An extreme ultraviolet wave associated with a failed eruption observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory
Zheng Ruisheng,, Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, China
Taking advantage of the high temporal and spatial resolution of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) observations, we first present an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wave associated with a failed filament eruption that generated no coronal mass ejection (CME) on 2011 March 1. The event occurred at an ephemeral region near a small active region. The continuous magnetic flux cancelation in the ephemeral region produced pre-eruption brightenings and two EUV jets, and excited the filament eruption, accompanying with a microflare. After the eruption, the filament material appeared far from the eruption center, and the ambient loops seemed to be intact. It was plausible that the filament eruption was failed and associated without a CME. The wave happened just after the north jet arrived, and apparently emanated ahead of the north jet, far from the eruption center. The wave propagated at nearly constant velocities in the range of 260-350 km /s, with a slight negative acceleration in the last phase. Particularly, the wave kept propagating, and a loop on its passage was intact, when they encountered. Our analysis confirms that the EUV wave is a true wave, interpreted as the fast-mode wave. In addition, the close temporal and spatial relationship between the wave and the jet provides the evidence that the wave is likely triggered by the jet, when the CME was absent.