August 26th to August 28th, 2016
Santa Cruz, California
The Stanford Solar Group will host a three-day conference dedicated to the advances in solar science made possible by the observing facilities to which Professor Scherrer has dedicated his career. The scientific program will cover both current science and a retrospective of the nearly five decades of contributions from the projects and facilities whose design, construction, and operation Professor Scherrer has led. The program will also aim to cover future developments in solar instrumentation.
The meeting will be held at the Chaminade Resort & Spa, Santa Cruz, CA, and will run from mid-day Friday, August 26 2016 through mid-day Sunday, August 28 2016.
There will be invited lectures and contributions on a representative sample of the topics in the field of solar physics that have been materially advanced with data from these observatories, as well as historical perspectives from those who have been his active collaborators, colleagues, and students over the course of his distinguished career.
This page will be updated soon with information about the schedule, program, and activities for guests.
- The Wilcox Solar Observatory
- The Michelson Doppler Imager on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on the Solar Dynamics Observatory
Organizing Committee
- Charles Baldner (baldner at stanford dot edu)
- Rick Bogart (rick at sun dot stanford dot edu)
- Rock Bush (rock at sun dot stanford dot edu)
- Todd Hoeksema (todd at sun dot stanford dot edu)
- Jesper Schou (schou at sun dot stanford dot edu)
- Junwei Zhao (junwei at sun dot stanford dot edu)