Prime Keys are: HARPNUM T_REC is slotted 'ts_eq' using T_REC_index DB Index Keys are: HARPNUM T_REC_index All Keywords for series cgem.Lorentz: HARPNUM (int) HARP ID T_REC (time) Slot time TOTFX (double) Sum of (B_p*B_r)*AREA/(-4PI), all pixels TOTFY (double) Sum of (-B_t*B_r)*AREA/(-4PI), all pixels TOTFZ (double) Sum of (B_h^2-B_r^2)*AREA/(8PI), all pixels TOTFX1 (double) TOTFX within bitmap mask TOTFY1 (double) TOTFY within bitmap mask TOTFZ1 (double) TOTFZ within bitmap mask TOTBSQ (double) Sum of B^2, all pixels TOTBSQ1 (double) Sum of B^2, strong pixels EPSX (double) Sum of (B_p*B_r) over Sum of B^2, all pixels EPSY (double) Sum of (-B_t*B_r) over Sum of B^2, all pixels EPSZ (double) Sum of (B_h^2-B_r^2) over Sum of B^2, all pixels EPSX1 (double) Sum of (B_p*B_r) over Sum of B^2 within bitmap mask EPSY1 (double) Sum of (-B_t*B_r) over Sum of B^2 within bitmap mask EPSZ1 (double) Sum of (B_h^2-B_r^2) over Sum of B^2 within bitmap mask AREA (double) Area of pixel MASKNAME (string) Mask image name for weak field MASKTHRS (int) Mask threshold TELESCOP (string) For HMI: SDO/HMI INSTRUME (string) For HMI: HMI_SIDE1, HMI_FRONT2, or HMI_COMBINED WAVELNTH (float) For HMI: 6173.3 Angstroms CAMERA (int) For HMI: 1 (side camera), 2 (front camera), or 3 (both cameras) QUALITY (int) SHARP Quality index QUAL_S (int) Level 1p Quality word QUALLEV1 (int) Logical OR on the bits of the level 1 Quality word BUNIT (string), per-segment BUNIT: physical units of each data segment CONTENT (string) CONTENT HISTORY (string) History of data COMMENT (string) Commentary on the data LOR_VERS (string) Code version DATE (time) Time that the SHARP keywords were calculated DATE__OBS (time) [DATE-OBS] DATE_OBS = T_OBS - EXPTIME/2.0 T_OBS (time) nominal time T_REC_epoch (time) Time of origin T_REC_step (float) ts_eq step T_REC_unit (string) ts_eq unit CADENCE (float) repetition interval CTYPE1 (string) CRLN-CEA CTYPE2 (string) CRLT-CEA CRPIX1 (float) X coordinate of patch center with respect to lower-left corner (in pixels) CRPIX2 (float) Y coordinate of patch center with respect to lower-left corner (in pixels) CRVAL1 (float) Longitude at center of patch CRVAL2 (float) Latitude at center of patch CDELT1 (float) Map scale in X direction CDELT2 (float) Map scale in Y direction CUNIT1 (string) Degree CUNIT2 (string) Degree IMCRPIX1 (float) Location of the Sun center in CCD x direction IMCRPIX2 (float) Location of the Sun center in CCD y direction IMCRVAL1 (float) x origin - center of the solar disk IMCRVAL2 (float) y origin - center of the solar disk CROTA2 (float) CROTA2: INST_ROT + SAT_ROT WCSNAME (string) WCS system name DSUN_OBS (double) Distance from SDO to Sun center. DSUN_REF (double) Astronomical Unit RSUN_REF (double) Reference radius of the Sun: 696,000,000.0 m CRLN_OBS (float) Carrington longitude of the observer CRLT_OBS (float) Carrington latitude of the observer CAR_ROT (int) Carrington rotation number of CRLN_OBS OBS_VR (double) velocity of the observer in radial direction. + is away from Sun OBS_VW (double) velocity of the observer solar-westward. + in rough direction of Earth orbit OBS_VN (double) velocity of the observer solar-northward (heliographic). + to north RSUN_OBS (double) angular radius of Sun. Corresponds to arcsin(RSUN_REF/DSUN_OBS) AMBPATCH (int) Flag determining whether disambiguation is done on a patch or full disk, 1 for patch NOAA_ARS (string) Comma-separated list of NOAA ARs matching this HARP BKEYS2 (string) For future use BKEYS3 (string) For future use NOAA_AR (int) NOAA AR number that best matches this HARP NOAA_NUM (int) Number of NOAA ARs that match this HARP (0 allowed) BKEYI3 (int) For future use BKEYD1 (double) For future use BKEYD2 (double) For future use BKEYD3 (double) For future use BKEYD4 (double) For future use BKEYD5 (double) For future use BKEYD6 (double) For future use Segments for series cgem.Lorentz: Fx 1E20 dyne fits VARxVAR Map for (B_p*B_r)*AREA/(-4PI) Fy 1E20 dyne fits VARxVAR Map for (-B_t*B_r)*AREA/(-4PI) Fz 1E20 dyne fits VARxVAR Map for (B_h^2-B_r^2)*AREA/(8PI) Links for series cgem.Lorentz: SHARP DYNAMIC hmi.sharp_cea_720s sharp cea