Prime Keys are: T_REC is slotted 'ts_eq' using T_REC_index DB Index Keys are: T_REC_index All Keywords for series hmi.Mrdailysynframe_720s_nrt: DATE (time) Date_time of processing; ISO 8601 format UTC TELESCOP (string) For HMI: SDO/HMI INSTRUME (string) For HMI: HMI_SIDE1, HMI_FRONT2, or HMI_COMBINED WAVELNTH (float) For HMI: 6173.3 Angstroms BUNIT (string) BUNIT: physical units of data, Gauss ORIGIN (string) ORIGIN: location where file made CONTENT (string) CONTENT: SYNOPTIC MAP HISTORY (string) processing history of data COMMENT (string) commentary on the data BLD_VERS (int) Code release build number of program that created this record T_OBS (time) nominal time T_REC (time) Slot time T_REC_epoch (time) Time of origin T_REC_step (float) ts_eq step T_REC_unit (string) ts_eq unit CADENCE (float) repetition interval DATASIGN (int) DATASIGN: sign of observable quantity wrt Sun center DSUN_OBS (double) Distance from SDO to Sun center. DSUN_REF (double) Astronomical Unit RSUN_REF (double) Reference radius of the Sun: 696,000,000.0 m CRLN_OBS (float) Carrington longitude of the observer CRLT_OBS (float) Carrington latitude of the observer HGLN_OBS (float) Stonyhurst longitude from CM of the observer. + to west CAR_ROT (int) Carrington rotation number of CRLN_OBS OBS_VR (float) velocity of the observer in radial direction. + is away from Sun OBS_VW (float) velocity of the observer solar-westward. + in rough direction of Earth orbit OBS_VN (float) velocity of the observer solar-northward (heliographic). + to north QUALITY (int) bitfield specifying various aspects of image quality, see ??? MAPMMAX (int) maximum m in remapping MAPLGMAX (float) longitude maximum, degrees MAPLGMIN (float) longitude minimum, degrees SINBDIVS (int) number of increments in sin latitude in remapping MAPBMAX (float) latitude maximum, degrees, also used for minimum MAPRMAX (float) maximum image radius LGSHIFT (int) option for longitude shift: 0=none; 1=fixed rate; 2=nearest degree; 3=nearest tenth of a degree INTERPO (int) option for interpolation: 0=bilinear; 1=cubic convolution MCORLEV (int) option for magnetic correction: 0=none; 1=line of sight MOFFSET (int) set to nonzero to get BFITZERO from input record and subtract from data before interpolating CARSTRCH (int) set to nonzero to correct for differential rotation according to DIFROT_[ABC] DIFROT_A (float) A coefficient in differential rotation adjustment (offset) DIFROT_B (float) B coefficient (to sin(lat) ^ 2) DIFROT_C (float) C coefficient (to sin(lat) ^ 4) FRTIMWDN (string) Number of minutes in full window FRAVEPNT (int) Number of contributed magnetograms FRWINDOW (float) Frame window size SYNDRORA (string) Differential Rotation Rate SYNDRO_A (float) Synchronic map, Differential Rotation Parameter A SYNDRO_B (float) Synchronic map, Differential Rotation Parameter B SYNDRO_C (float) Synchronic map, Differential Rotation Parameter C HWNWIDTH (float) Number of degrees in half window EQPOINTS (float) Number of contributed magnetograms OSYNDR_A (float) Original synoptic map, Differential Rotation Parameter A OSYNDR_B (float) Original synoptic map, Differential Rotation Parameter B OSYNDR_C (float) Original synoptic map, Differential Rotation Parameter C CTYPE1 (string) CTYPE1: CRLN-CEA (SOLARX) CTYPE2 (string) CTYPE2: CRLT-CEA (SOLARY) CRPIX1 (double) CRPIX1: location of the image center in CCD x direction CRPIX2 (double) CRPIX2: location of the image center in CCD y direction CRVAL1 (double) CRVAL1: x origin - center of the image CRVAL2 (double) CRVAL2: y origin - center of the image CDELT1 (double) image scale in the x direction CDELT2 (double) image scale in the y direction CUNIT1 (string) CUNIT1: degree CUNIT2 (string) CUNIT2: sin(deg) CROTA2 (float) CROTA2: INST_ROT + SAT_ROT CRDER1 (float) CRDER1: estimate of random error in coordinate x CRDER2 (float) CRDER2: estimate of random error in coordinate y CSYSER1 (float) CRDER1: estimate of systematic error in coordinate x CSYSER2 (float) CRDER2: estimate of systematic error in coordinate y WCSNAME (string) WCS system name LON_FRST (double) First Carrington Time - Last Column LON_LAST (double) Last Carrington Time - First Column LON_STEP (double) Time runs right to left CARRTIME (double) Carrington Time of Image Center TOTVALS (int) Expected number of data values (pixels) DATAVALS (int) Actual number of data values in images (pixels) MISSVALS (int) Missing values: TOTVALS - DATAVALS DATAMIN (double) Minimum value from all pixels DATAMAX (double) Maximum value from all pixels DATAMEDN (double) Median value from all pixels DATAMEAN (double) Mean value from all pixels DATARMS (double) Rms deviation from the mean value of all pixels DATASKEW (double) Skewness from the mean value of all pixels DATAKURT (double) Kurtosis of all pixels CALVER64 (longlong) Calibration Version CODEVER (string) Code version Segments for series hmi.Mrdailysynframe_720s_nrt: data gauss fits VARxVAR 0.000000