Prime Keys are: VRCENT MASKID DB Index Keys are: VRCENT MASKID All Keywords for series hmi.lookup_ChebyCoef_BNoise: DATE (time) Date_time of processing; ISO 8601 format UTC TELESCOP (string) For HMI: SDO/HMI INSTRUME (string) For HMI: HMI_SIDE1, HMI_FRONT2, or HMI_COMBINED WAVELNTH (float) For HMI: 6173.3 Angstroms CAMERA (int) For HMI: 1 (side camera), 2 (front camera), or 3 (both cameras) BUNIT (string) BUNIT: physical units of data ORIGIN (string) ORIGIN: location where file made QUALITY (int) Level 1.5 Quality word CONTENT (string) CONTENT: Chebyshev polynomial coefs HISTORY (string) processing history of data COMMENT (string) commentary on the data BLD_VERS (int) Code release build number of program that created this record VRCENT (int) VRCENT: Orbital velocity MASKID (int) Selects mask for specific time range NGOOD (int) Number of mags used to calculate the mask INVPHMAP (string) Flag/Comment on phase map POLYDEGR (int) Degree of Chebyshev polynormials BCUTOFF (float) Threshold of field strength to be selected for median computation DELTAVR (float) Half-width winder: Vr-delta_vr < Vr < Vr + delta_vr CRPIX1_O (float) CRPIX1 from the first selected ME data CRPIX2_O (float) CRPIX2 from the first selected ME data CRVAL1_O (float) CRVAL1 from the first selected ME data CRVAL2_O (float) CRVAL2 from the first selected ME data CDELT1_O (float) CDELT1 from the first selected ME data CDELT2_O (float) CDELT2 from the first selected ME data CUNIT1_O (string) CUNIT1 from the first selected ME data CUNIT2_O (string) CUNIT2 from the first selected ME data CROTA2_O (float) CROTA2 angle from the first selected ME data WCSNAME (string) WCS system name T_REC_O (time) Slot time--Reference Time for the first selected ME data DATASIGN (int) DATASIGN: sign of observable quantity wrt Sun center DSUN_ORI (double) Distance from SDO to Sun center. DSUN_REF (double) Astronomical Unit RSUN_REF (double) Reference radius of the Sun: 696,000,000.0 m RSUN_ORI (double) Sun's radius in pixel CALVER64 (longlong) Calibration Version Segments for series hmi.lookup_ChebyCoef_BNoise: data fits VARxVAR 0.000000