Prime Keys are: HARPNUM T_REC is slotted 'ts_eq' using T_REC_index DB Index Keys are: HARPNUM T_REC_index All Keywords for series hmi.sharp_cea_720s_nrt: DATE (time) Time that the SHARP keywords were calculated DATE_S (time) Date_time of generating Stokes data DATE_B (time) Date_time of generating Bharp data DATE__OBS (time) [DATE-OBS] DATE_OBS = T_OBS - EXPTIME/2.0 T_OBS (time) nominal time T_REC (time) Slot time T_REC_epoch (time) Time of origin T_REC_step (float) ts_eq step T_REC_unit (string) ts_eq unit CADENCE (float) repetition interval USFLUX (float) Total unsigned flux MEANGAM (float) Mean inclination angle, gamma MEANGBT (float) Mean value of the total field gradient MEANGBZ (float) Mean value of the vertical field gradient MEANGBH (float) Mean value of the horizontal field gradient MEANJZD (float) Mean vertical current density TOTUSJZ (float) Total unsigned vertical current MEANALP (float) Mean twist parameter, alpha MEANJZH (float) Mean current helicity TOTUSJH (float) Total unsigned current helicity ABSNJZH (float) Absolute value of the net current helicity SAVNCPP (float) Sum of the Absolute Value of the Net Currents Per Polarity (SAVNCPP) MEANPOT (float) Mean photospheric excess magnetic energy density TOTPOT (float) Total photospheric magnetic energy density MEANSHR (float) Mean shear angle for B_total SHRGT45 (float) Area with shear angle greater than 45 as a percent of total area R_VALUE (float) Unsigned Flux R (Schrijver, 2007) GWILL (float) GWILL (Mason & Hoeksema, 2010) CTYPE1 (string) CRLN-CEA CTYPE2 (string) CRLT-CEA CRPIX1 (float) X coordinate of patch center with respect to lower-left corner (in pixels) CRPIX2 (float) Y coordinate of patch center with respect to lower-left corner (in pixels) CRVAL1 (float) Longitude at center of patch CRVAL2 (float) Latitude at center of patch CDELT1 (float) Map scale in X direction CDELT2 (float) Map scale in Y direction CUNIT1 (string) Degree CUNIT2 (string) Degree IMCRPIX1 (float) Location of the Sun center in CCD x direction IMCRPIX2 (float) Location of the Sun center in CCD y direction IMCRVAL1 (float) x origin - center of the solar disk IMCRVAL2 (float) y origin - center of the solar disk CROTA2 (float) CROTA2: INST_ROT + SAT_ROT CRDER1 (float) CRDER1: estimate of random error in coordinate x CRDER2 (float) CRDER2: estimate of random error in coordinate y CSYSER1 (float) CSYSER1: estimate of systematic error in coordinate x CSYSER2 (float) CSYSER2: estimate of systematic error in coordinate y WCSNAME (string) WCS system name DSUN_OBS (double) Distance from SDO to Sun center. DSUN_REF (double) Astronomical Unit RSUN_REF (double) Reference radius of the Sun: 696,000,000.0 m CRLN_OBS (float) Carrington longitude of the observer CRLT_OBS (float) Carrington latitude of the observer CAR_ROT (int) Carrington rotation number of CRLN_OBS OBS_VR (double) velocity of the observer in radial direction. + is away from Sun OBS_VW (double) velocity of the observer solar-westward. + in rough direction of Earth orbit OBS_VN (double) velocity of the observer solar-northward (heliographic). + to north RSUN_OBS (double) angular radius of Sun. Corresponds to arcsin(RSUN_REF/DSUN_OBS) TELESCOP (string) For HMI: SDO/HMI INSTRUME (string) For HMI: HMI_SIDE1, HMI_FRONT2, or HMI_COMBINED WAVELNTH (float) For HMI: 6173.3 Angstroms CAMERA (int) For HMI: 1 (side camera), 2 (front camera), or 3 (both cameras) QUALITY (int) SHARP Quality index QUAL_S (int) Level 1p Quality word QUALLEV1 (int) Logical OR on the bits of the level 1 Quality word BUNIT (string), per-segment BUNIT: physical units of each data segment ORIGIN (string) ORIGIN: location where file made CONTENT (string) CONTENT HISTORY (string) history of data COMMENT (string) commentary on the data BLD_VERS (string) JSOC-build version number CALVER64 (longlong) Calibration Version CODEVER7 (string) CVS Version of sharp module HFLID (int) HMI_SEQ_ID_FRAMELIST HCFTID (int) HMI_SEQ_ID_FOCUS QLOOK (int) QLOOK: 0=final data, 1=quick-look data HARPNUM (int) HARP ID MASK (int) Lower threshold for membership in this patch ARM_QUAL (int) Quality of the mask (bitfield) ARM_NCLN (int) Number of limb pixels reset to quiet (annulus width ARM_EDGE) H_MERGE (int) 1 if this HARP merged with an existing region at this time H_FAINT (int) 1 if this HARP had faint contrast at this time ARM_MODL (string) ARmask parameter: Classification model name ARM_EDGE (float) ARmask parameter: Width of annulus at limb to possibly reset (pixels) ARM_BETA (string) ARmask parameter: Mask spatial smoothness LATDTMIN (float) Minimum latitude for disk transit LONDTMIN (float) Minimum longitude for disk transit LATDTMAX (float) Maximum latitude for disk transit LONDTMAX (float) Maximum longitude for disk transit OMEGA_DT (float) Rotation rate over disk transit NPIX (int) Number of pixels within the patch SIZE (float) Projected area of patch on image in micro-hemisphere AREA (float) De-projected area of patch on sphere in micro-hemisphere NACR (int) Number of active pixels in patch SIZE_ACR (float) Projected area of active pixels on image in micro-hemisphere AREA_ACR (float) De-projected area of active pixels on sphere in micro-hemisphere MTOT (float) Sum of absolute LoS flux within the identified region MNET (float) Net LoS flux within the identified region MPOS_TOT (float) Absolute value of total positive LoS flux MNEG_TOT (float) Absolute value of total negative LoS flux MMEAN (float) Mean of LoS flux density MSTDEV (float) Standard deviation of LoS flux density MSKEW (float) Skewness of LoS flux density MKURT (float) Kurtosis of LoS flux density LAT_MIN (float) Minimum Stonyhurst latitude of pixels within the patch LON_MIN (float) Minimum Stonyhurst longitude of pixels within the patch LAT_MAX (float) Maximum Stonyhurst latitude of pixels within the patch LON_MAX (float) Maximum Stonyhurst longitude of pixels within the patch LAT_FWT (float) Stonyhurst latitude of flux-weighted center of active pixels LON_FWT (float) Stonyhurst longitude of flux-weighted center of active pixels LAT_FWTPOS (float) Stonyhurst latitude of flux-weighted center of positive flux LON_FWTPOS (float) Stonyhurst longitude of flux-weighted center of positive flux LAT_FWTNEG (float) Stonyhurst latitude of flux-weighted center of negative flux LON_FWTNEG (float) Stonyhurst longitude of flux-weighted center of negative flux T_FRST (time) First T_REC stored for HARP (includes temporal pad) T_FRST1 (time) T_REC of initial HARP detection T_LAST1 (time) T_REC of final HARP detection T_LAST (time) Last T_REC stored for HARP (includes temporal pad) N_PATCH (int) Image slots spanned by HARP (includes pad) N_PATCH1 (int) Image slots spanned by HARP (excludes pad) N_PATCHM (int) Missing images/slots in unpadded HARP interval NOAA_AR (int) NOAA AR number that best matches this HARP NOAA_NUM (int) Number of NOAA ARs that match this HARP (0 allowed) NOAA_ARS (string) Comma-separated list of NOAA ARs matching this HARP INVCODEV (string) Version of VFISV code INVDOCU (string) Document for VFISV code INVITERA (int) Number of iterations of VFISV INVSTLGT (string) Flag for stray light. No means that the stray light is not accounted for. INVFLPRF (string) Flag/Comment on filter-profile INVPHMAP (string) Flag/Comment on phase map INVVLAVE (double) avarage of inverted V_los over processed pixels INVBLAVE (double) avarage of inverted B_los over processed pixels INVBBAVE (double) avarage of inverted field strength over processed pixels INVNPRCS (int) Numer of pixels processed INVNCNVG (int) Numer of pixels at which ME VFISV converged AMBCODEV (string) Version of Disambig code AMBDOCU (string) Document for Disambig code AMBGMTRY (int) Flag determining whether to use planar or spherical geometry AMBPATCH (int) Flag determining whether disambiguation is done on a patch or full disk, 1 for patch AMBWEAK (int) Flag determining method for disambiguating weak field pixels AMBNEROD (int) Number of pixels by which to erode map of above threshold pixels AMBNGROW (int) Number of pixels by which to grow eroded map AMBNPAD (int) Padding to use in potential field calculation AMBNAP (int) Width of apodizing window in potential field calculation AMBNTX (int) Number of tiles to use in x-direction for potential field calculation AMBNTY (int) Number of tiles to use in y-direction for potential field calculation AMBBTHR0 (double) Transverse field strength threshold at disk center for using simulated annealing AMBBTHR1 (double) Transverse field strength threshold at limb for using simulated annealing AMBSEED (int) Input random number seed AMBNEQ (int) Number of reconfigurations attempted at each temperature setting AMBLMBDA (double) Weighting factor between divergence and vertical current density AMBTFCT0 (double) Input factor to scale initial temperature AMBTFCTR (double) Input factor to reduce temperature DATAVALS (int), per-segment Actual number of data values in images (pixels) MISSVALS (int), per-segment Missing values DATAMIN (float), per-segment Minimum value from pixels within 99% of solar radius DATAMAX (float), per-segment Maximum value from pixels within 99% of solar radius DATAMEDN (float), per-segment Median value from pixels within 99% of solar radius DATAMEAN (float), per-segment Mean value from pixels within 99% of solar radius DATARMS (float), per-segment Rms deviation from the mean value of pixels within 99% of solar radius ERRGAM (float) Error in Mean inclination angle, gamma ERRTAI (float) Absolute value of the net current helicity ERRBH (float) Error in Mean value of the horizontal field gradient ERRMPOT (float) Error in Mean photospheric excess magnetic energy density ERRBT (float) Error in Mean value of the total field gradient ERRTUI (float) Total unsigned current helicity ERRBZ (float) Error in Mean value of the vertical field gradient CMASK (float) Number of pixels that contributed to the spaceweather calculation ERRJZ (float) Error in Mean vertical current density ERRVF (float) Error in Total unsigned flux ERRALP (float) Error in Mean twist parameter, alpha ERRMIH (float) Mean current helicity ERRMSHA (float) Error in Mean shear angle for B_total ERRUSI (float) Error in Total unsigned vertical current DOFFSET (int) Constant value added to the noise mask for disambiguation. ERRTPOT (float) Error in Total photospheric magnetic energy density ERRJHT (float) Sum of the Absolute Value of the Net Currents Per Polarity (SAVNCPP) Segments for series hmi.sharp_cea_720s_nrt: magnetogram Gauss fits VARxVAR Line-of-sight magnetogram in CEA projection bitmap Enumerated fits VARxVAR Mask for the patch in CEA coordinates Dopplergram m/s fits VARxVAR Dopplergram in CEA projection continuum DN/s fits VARxVAR Intensitygram in CEA projection Bp Gauss fits VARxVAR B_phi, positive westward Bt Gauss fits VARxVAR B_theta, positive southward Br Gauss fits VARxVAR B_r, positive up Bp_err Gauss fits VARxVAR Standard deviation of B_phi Bt_err Gauss fits VARxVAR Standard deviation of B_theta Br_err Gauss fits VARxVAR Standard deviation of B_r conf_disambig none fits VARxVAR confidence of disambiguation result Links for series hmi.sharp_cea_720s_nrt: BHARP DYNAMIC hmi.Bharp_720s_nrt Bharp MHARP DYNAMIC hmi.Mharp_720s_nrt Mharp