Prime Keys are: MidTime is slotted 'ts_eq' using MidTime_index LonHG is slotted 'slot' using LonHG_index LatHG is slotted 'slot' using LatHG_index LonCM is slotted 'slot' using LonCM_index Fitting KrnAppr DB Index Keys are: MidTime_index LatHG_index LonCM_index All Keywords for series hmi.tdVinvrt_synopHC: MidTime (time) Midpoint of tracking interval for AR LonHG (float) Longitude of tracked region center LatHG (float) Latitude of tracked region center LonCM (float) CM (Stonyhurst) Longitude of region center at MidTime Fitting (string) Fitting method (Gabor, GizonBirch, both) KrnAppr (string) Kernel approximation method (Born, Raypath, both) CarrRot (int) Carrington rotation at MidTime CMLon (float) Longitude of central meridian at MidTime CDlt0_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 0-1 Mm in quiet regions CDlt2_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 1-3 Mm in quiet regions CDlt4_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 3-5 Mm in quiet regions CDlt6_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 5-7 Mm in quiet regions CDlt8_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 7-10 Mm in quiet regions CDlt11_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 10-13 Mm in quiet regions CDlt0_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 0-1 Mm in active regions CDlt2_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 1-3 Mm in active regions CDlt4_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 3-5 Mm in active regions CDlt6_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 5-7 Mm in active regions CDlt8_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 7-10 Mm in active regions CDlt11_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for wave speed perturbation at depth 10-13 Mm in active regions VDlt0_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 0-1 Mm in quiet regions VDlt2_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 1-3 Mm in quiet regions VDlt4_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 3-5 Mm in quiet regions VDlt6_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 5-7 Mm in quiet regions VDlt8_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 7-10 Mm in quiet regions VDlt11_Q (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 10-13 Mm in quiet regions VDlt0_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 0-1 Mm in active regions VDlt2_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 1-3 Mm in active regions VDlt4_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 3-5 Mm in active regions VDlt6_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 5-7 Mm in active regions VDlt8_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 7-10 Mm in active regions VDlt11_A (float) Estimated uncertainty for horizontal velocity at depth 10-13 Mm in active regions Source (string) Input data source Input (string) Input data records Kernels (string) Inversion kernels record Module (string) Creation module BLD_VERS (string) JSOC library build Created (time) File creation time Quality (int) Data quality flag HISTORY (string) Record modification history COMMENT (string) FITS comment MidTime_epoch (time) MidTime index base MidTime_step (double) MidTime index step LonHG_base (float) LonHG index base LonHG_step (float) LonHG index step LatHG_base (float) LatHG index base LatHG_step (float) LatHG index step LonCM_base (float) LonCM index base LonCM_step (float) LonCM index step CRVAL1 (float) WCS reference point value CRVAL2 (float) WCS reference point value WCSAXES (int) Number of WCS axes (first two axes of data hypercube) WCSNAME (string) WCS name CTYPE1 (string) WCS axis type CTYPE2 (string) WCS axis type CRPIX1 (float) WCS reference pixel location CRPIX2 (float) WCS reference pixel location CDELT1 (float) WCS coordinate increment at reference point CDELT2 (float) WCS coordinate increment at reference point CUNIT1 (string) WCS axis units CUNIT2 (string) WCS axis units MapScale (float) Map scale for axes 1 and 2 MapProj (string) Map projection Map_PA (float) Position angle of Carrington north wrt axis 2 Segments for series hmi.tdVinvrt_synopHC: cs m/s? fits 256x256x11 sound speed vx m/s? fits 256x256x11 zonal velocity component vy m/s? fits 256x256x11 meridional velocity component vz m/s? fits 256x256x11 radial velocity component Links for series hmi.tdVinvrt_synopHC: Source DYNAMIC hmi.tdVtimes_synopHC input travel times