Prime Keys are: T_REC is slotted 'ts_eq' using T_REC_index DB Index Keys are: T_REC_index All Keywords for series hmi.vw_V_45s: DATE (time) Date_time of processing; ISO 8601 format UTC DATE__OBS (time) [DATE-OBS] DATE_OBS = T_OBS - EXPTIME/2.0 TELESCOP (string) For HMI: SDO/HMI INSTRUME (string) For HMI: HMI_SIDE1, HMI_FRONT2, or HMI_COMBINED WAVELNTH (int) For HMI: 6173.3 Angstroms CAMERA (int) For HMI: 1 (side camera), 2 (front camera), or 3 (both cameras) BUNIT (string) BUNIT: physical units of data, m/s ORIGIN (string) ORIGIN: location where file made CONTENT (string) CONTENT: DOPPLERGRAM QUALITY (int) Level 1.5 Quality word TOTVALS (int) Expected number of data values (pixels) DATAVALS (int) Actual number of data values in images (pixels) MISSVALS (int) Missing values: TOTVALS - DATAVALS DATAMIN (float) Minimum value from all pixels DATAMAX (float) Maximum value from all pixels DATAMEDN (float) Median value from all pixels DATAMEAN (float) Mean value from all pixels DATARMS (float) Rms deviation from the mean value of all pixels DATASKEW (float) Skewness from the mean value of all pixels DATAKURT (float) Kurtosis of all pixels CTYPE1 (string) CTYPE1: HPLN-TAN (SOLARX) CTYPE2 (string) CTYPE2: HPLT-TAN (SOLARY) CRPIX1 (float) CRPIX1: location of the Sun center in CCD x direction CRPIX2 (float) CRPIX2: location of the Sun center in CCD y direction CRVAL1 (float) CRVAL1: x origin - center of the solar disk CRVAL2 (float) CRVAL2: y origin - center of the solar disk CDELT1 (float) image scale in the x direction CDELT2 (float) image scale in the y direction CUNIT1 (string) CUNIT1: arcsec CUNIT2 (string) CUNIT2: arcsec CROTA2 (float) CROTA2: INST_ROT + SAT_ROT WCSNAME (string) WCS system name DSUN_OBS (double) Distance from SDO to Sun center. DSUN_REF (double) Astronomical Unit RSUN_REF (double) Reference radius of the Sun: 696,000,000.0 m CRLN_OBS (float) Carrington longitude of the observer CRLT_OBS (float) Carrington latitude of the observer CAR_ROT (int) Carrington rotation number of CRLN_OBS OBS_VR (double) velocity of the observer in radial direction. + is away from Sun OBS_VW (double) velocity of the observer solar-westward. + in rough direction of Earth orbit OBS_VN (double) velocity of the observer solar-northward (heliographic). + to north RSUN_OBS (double) angular radius of Sun. Corresponds to arcsin(RSUN_REF/DSUN_OBS) T_OBS (time) nominal time T_REC (time) Slot time T_REC_epoch (time) Time of origin; MDI EPOCH T_REC_step (float) ts_eq step T_REC_unit (string) ts_eq unit CADENCE (float) repetition interval DATASIGN (int) DATASIGN: sign of observable quantity wrt Sun center CALVER64 (longlong) Calibration Version Segments for series hmi.vw_V_45s: dopplergram m/s tas 204x204 vector-weighted dopplergram Links for series hmi.vw_V_45s: HISTORY STATIC hmi.globalhs_history processing history SRCDATA STATIC hmi.V_45s source data