Prime Keys are: T_OBS FSN DB Index Keys are: T_OBS FSN All Keywords for series iris.lev1: ORIGIN (string) ORIGIN Location where file made TELESCOP (string) IRIS BLD_VERS (string) Build Version: from jsoc_version.h LVL_NUM (float) LVL_NUM data level number DATE (time) Date_time of processing; ISO 8601 DATE__OBS (time) [DATE-OBS] Date when observation started; ISO 8601 T_OBS (time) Observation time IMGFPT (time) Telemetry First Packet Time FSN (int) Filtergram Sequence Number ISYSN (int) SYStem Number: FUV=0; NUV=1; SJI=2; NUV_SJI=3 FID (int) Filtergram ID INSTRUME (string) FUV, NUV or SJI IMG_PATH (string) Light path and SJI filter setting IMG_TYPE (string) Image type: LIGHT; DARK; LED; LTC; SPAT; VPAT CAMERA (int) IRIS CEB ID: FUV=1; NUV=2; SJI=2 SUMSPTRL (short) CCD summing in spectral direction SUMSPAT (short) CCD summing in spatial direction EXPTIME (float) Exposure duration: mean shutter open time EXPSDEV (float) Exposure standard deviation INT_TIME (float) CCD integration duration QUALITY (int) Level 1 Quality word QUALLEV0 (int) Level 0 Quality word CROPID (int) Crop table ID LUTID (int) Look-up table ID TOTVALS (int) Expected number of data values (pixels) DATAVALS (int) Actual number of data values in image MISSVALS (int) Missing values: TOTVALS - DATAVALS PERCENTD (float) Percent data; 100*DATAVALS/TOTVALS DATAMIN (short) Minimum value of all pixels DATAMAX (short) Maximum value of all pixels DATAMEDN (short) Median value of all pixels DATAMEAN (float) Mean value of all pixels DATARMS (float) Rms deviation from mean of all pixels DATASKEW (float) Skewness from mean of all pixels DATAKURT (float) Kurtosis of all pixels DATAP01 (float) 1% level for histogram of pixel values DATAP10 (float) 10% level for histogram of pixel values DATAP25 (float) 25% level for histogram of pixel values DATAP75 (float) 75% level for histogram of pixel values DATAP90 (float) 90% level for histogram of pixel values DATAP95 (float) 95% level for histogram of pixel values DATAP98 (float) 98% level for histogram of pixel values DATAP99 (float) 99% level for histogram of pixel values NSATPIX (int) Number of saturated pixels IICRSID (short) Camera Readout Specification ID CRS_DESC (string) CRS regions description: comma separated list CRS_TYPE (string) CRS type; FUV, NUV, SJI CRS_NREG (short) Number of CRS regions WIN_FLIP (short) Window axis flip parameter; 0:none, 1:x, 2:y, 3:both TSR1 (short) Window start row for region 1 TER1 (short) Window end row for region 1 TSC1 (short) Window start column for region 1 TEC1 (short) Window end column for region 1 TSR2 (short) Window start row for region 2 TER2 (short) Window end row for region 2 TSC2 (short) Window start column for region 2 TEC2 (short) Window end column for region 2 TSR3 (short) Window start row for region 3 TER3 (short) Window end row for region 3 TSC3 (short) Window start column for region 3 TEC3 (short) Window end column for region 3 TSR4 (short) Window start row for region 4 TER4 (short) Window end row for region 4 TSC4 (short) Window start column for region 4 TEC4 (short) Window end column for region 4 TSR5 (short) Window start row for region 5 TER5 (short) Window end row for region 5 TSC5 (short) Window start column for region 5 TEC5 (short) Window end column for region 5 TSR6 (short) Window start row for region 6 TER6 (short) Window end row for region 6 TSC6 (short) Window start column for region 6 TEC6 (short) Window end column for region 6 TSR7 (short) Window start row for region 7 TER7 (short) Window end row for region 7 TSC7 (short) Window start column for region 7 TEC7 (short) Window end column for region 7 TSR8 (short) Window start row for region 8 TER8 (short) Window end row for region 8 TSC8 (short) Window start column for region 8 TEC8 (short) Window end column for region 8 WCSDBVER (int) WCS database version number WCSAXES (int) WCSAXES LONPOLE (float) Longitude of pole (180) SPECSYS (string) Spectral reference XCEN (float) Location of spacecraft solar pointing; x direction YCEN (float) Location of spacecraft solar pointing; y direction CRPIX1 (float) Location of sun/wave center in CCD x direction; FUV1/NUV/SJI CRPIX2 (float) Location of sun center in CCD y direction; FUV1/NUV/SJI CRVAL1 (float) Wavelength: FUV1/NUV; solar_x: SJI CRVAL2 (float) Solar_y: FUV1/NUV/SJI CRVAL3 (float) Solar_x: FUV1/NUV CDELT1 (float) Image scale in the CCD x direction CDELT2 (float) Image scale in the CCD y direction CDELT3 (float) Slit width for FUV, NUV CTYPE1 (string) WAVELNTH for FUV1/NUV; HPLN-TAN (solar_x): SJI CTYPE2 (string) HPLT-TAN (solar_y): FUV1/NUV/SJI CTYPE3 (string) HPLN-TAN (solar_x): FUV1/NUV CUNIT1 (string) Angstrom: FUV1/NUV; Arc-seconds for SJI CUNIT2 (string) Arc-seconds: FUV1/NUV/SJI CUNIT3 (string) Arc-seconds: FUV1/NUV PC1_1 (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV1/NUV/SJI PC1_2 (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV1/NUV/SJI PC2_1 (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV1/NUV/SJI PC2_2 (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV1/NUV/SJI PC3_1 (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV1/NUV/SJI PC3_2 (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV1/NUV/SJI CRPIX1A (float) Location of sun/wave center in CCD x direction; FUV2 CRPIX2A (float) Location of sun center in CCD y direction; FUV2 CRVAL1A (float) Wavelength: FUV2 CRVAL2A (float) Solar_y: FUV2 CRVAL3A (float) Solar_x: FUV2 CDELT1A (float) Image scale in the CCD x direction; FUV2 CDELT2A (float) Image scale in the CCD y direction; FUV2 CDELT3A (float) Slit width for FUV, NUV; FUV2 CTYPE1A (string) WAVELNTH for FUV2 CTYPE2A (string) HPLT-TAN (solar_y): FUV2 CTYPE3A (string) HPLN-TAN (solar_x): FUV2 CUNIT1A (string) Angstrom: FUV2 CUNIT2A (string) Arc-seconds: FUV2 CUNIT3A (string) Arc-seconds: FUV2 PC1_1A (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV2 PC1_2A (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV2 PC2_1A (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV2 PC2_2A (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV2 PC3_1A (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV2 PC3_2A (float) WCS rotation matrix for FUV2 POINTREC (string) IRIS pointing series record pointer TIME_QBI (time) TIME_QBI; Packet time of the quaterion parameters AEULRBRX (float) A_EULERBR_X; Euler Angle Sun ref to S/C body frame, X component AEULRBRY (float) A_EULERBR_Y; Euler Angle Sun ref to S/C body frame, Y component AEULRBRZ (float) A_EULERBR_Z; Euler Angle Sun ref to S/C body frame, Z component ACG_ROLL (float) A_CG_ROLL_ANGLE; Roll profile commanded angle from solar north pole OPHASE (float) Orbital Phase SAT_ROT (float) I_CG_ROLL_ANGLE; Satellite roll angle ??? FLAT_REC (string) IRIS flatfield series record pointer ORB_REC (string) IRIS orbit vector series record pointer RSUN_OBS (double) Apparent radius of the Sun seen at IRIS location DSUN_OBS (double) Distance from IRIS to Sun center GEIX_OBS (double) Geocentric Equatorial Inertial X GEIY_OBS (double) Geocentric Equatorial Inertial Y GEIZ_OBS (double) Geocentric Equatorial Inertial Z HEIX_OBS (double) Heliocentric Equatorial Inertial X HEIY_OBS (double) Heliocentric Equatorial Inertial Y HEIZ_OBS (double) Heliocentric Equatorial Inertial Z OBS_VR (double) Speed of observer in radial direction HLZ (int) High Latitude Flag SAA (int) South Atlantic Anomaly Flag BTYPE (string) Btype - Intensity BUNIT (string) Pixel intensity unit - corrected DN TEMP_REC (string) Orbit vector series record pointer ITF1CCD1 (float) I_CEB_CCD1_FUV1; CCD1_FUV1_OPERATING ITF2CCD2 (float) I_CEB_CCD2_FUV2; CCD2_FUV2_OPERATING ITNUCCD3 (float) I_CEB_CCD3_NUV; CCD3_NUV_OPERATING ITSJCCD4 (float) I_CEB_CCD4_SJI; CCD4_SJI_OPERATING BT06CBPX (float) B_HW_TSC06_CEB_X_POS; CEB_ON_THE_POSX_AXIS BT07CBNX (float) B_HW_TSC07_CEB_X_NEG; CEB_ON_THE_NEGX_AXIS BT15IEB (float) B_HW_TSC15_IEB_PRIMARY; ELECTRONICS_BOX IT08GTWM (float) I_TS08_GT_WEDGE_MOTOR; GUIDE_TELESCOPE_WEDGE_HC_MOTOR_TS08 IT14SPPX (float) I_TS14_SPECT_OP_POS_X; SPECTROGRAPH_OPTICS_PACKAGE_HOZ5_CONTROL_TS14 IT16SPNX (float) I_TS16_SPECT_OP_NEG_X; SPECTROGRAPH_OPTICS_PACKAGE_HOZ7_CONTROL_TS16 ISPSNAME (string) ISP Series Name ISPPKTIM (time) PACKET_TIME for image status packet ISPPKTVN (string) PACKET_VERSION_NUMBER, ISP version; decimal format:MMM.mmm ISQISYSN (short) I_SQ_ISYS_NUM; ISP ID number for image light path: FUV=0; NUV=1; SJI=2 ISQFSN (int) I_SQ_FRAME_SN; ISP Filtergram Sequence Number IIFRMTYP (short) I_IMG_FRAME_TYPE; Frame Type for this image IIOBSLID (int) I_IMG_OBSLIST_ID; 16 bit Observing List ID IIFRMLID (int) I_IMG_FRMLIST_ID; 16 bit Framelist ID ISQOLTID (longlong) I_SQ_OLT_ID; 32 bit Observing List ID ISQFLTID (longlong) I_SQ_FLT_ID; 32 16 bit Framelist ID IIFDBID (longlong) From IIFUVFDB; IINUVFDB; IISJIFDB IIFUVFDB (longlong) I_SQ_FUV_FDBT_ID; FUV Frame Definition Block ID IINUVFDB (longlong) I_SQ_NUV_FDBT_ID; NUV Frame Definition Block ID IISJIFDB (longlong) I_SQ_SJI_FDBT_ID; SJI Frame Definition Block ID IIOLRPT (int) I_SQ_OLT_REPEAT; current Observing List repeat index IIOLNRPT (int) I_SQ_OLT_N_REPEAT; Observing List table number of repeats IIFLRPT (int) I_SQ_FLT_REPEAT; current Frame List repeat index IIFLNRPT (int) I_SQ_FLT_N_REPEAT; Frame List table number of repeats ISQOLTDX (int) I_SQ_OLT_IDX; Observing List table current index ISQOLTNX (int) I_SQ_OLT_N_IDX; Observing List table number of indices ISQFLTDX (int) I_SQ_FLT_IDX; Frame List table current index ISQFLTNX (int) I_SQ_FLT_N_IDX; Frame List table number of indices IISSLOOP (string) I_ISS_LOOP; open loop (0) or closed loop (1) control IISSDIOD (short) I_ISS_DIODES; primary (1) or redundant (0) IISSOFFR (short) I_ISS_OFFSET_RANGE; 1 is max (10 V); 0 is min (5 V) IISS_SRC (short) I_ISS_SOURCE; LAMP (0 or high gain) or SUN (1 or low gain) IISSCTRL (int) I_ISS_CONTROL; ISS parameters (loop, diodes, offset range, gain) IFMCPOS (int) I_MC_FM_CMDED_POS; focus mechanism commanded position IFMPOS (int) I_MC_FM_POS; focus mechanism current software position IFWCTGT (int) I_MC_FW_CMDED_TGT; filterwheel commanded target value IFWENC (int) I_MC_FW_ENCODER; filterwheel HW encoder position IFWPOS (int) I_MC_FW_POS; filterwheel current software position IWM1CPOS (int) I_MC_WM1_POS; wedge motor 1 current software position IWM1CTGT (int) I_MC_WM1_CMDED_TGT; wedge motor 1 commanded target value IWM1ENC (int) I_MC_WM1_ENCODER; wedge motor 1 HW encoder position IWM2CPOS (int) I_MC_WM2_POS; wedge motor 2 current software position IWM2CTGT (int) I_MC_WM2_CMDED_TGT; wedge motor 2 commanded target value IWM2ENC (int) I_MC_WM2_ENCODER; Wedge motor 2 HW encoder position IIMGSHCE (int) I_IMG_SH_CMDED_EXPOSURE; commanded exposure for this image IIMGCFD1 (short) I_IMG_CFG_DELAY_1; delay (in ticks) for start of filterwheel move IIMGCFD2 (short) I_IMG_CFG_DELAY_2; delay (in ticks) for start of CCD clear (flush) IIMGCFD3 (short) I_IMG_CFG_DELAY_3; delay (in ticks) for start of exposure IIMGCFD4 (short) I_IMG_CFG_DELAY_4; delay (in ticks) for start of CCD readout IFUVCEXP (short) I_MC_FUV_CMDED_EXP; FUV shutter commanded exposure in ms ??? INUVCEXP (short) I_MC_NUV_CMDED_EXP; NUV shutter commanded exposure in ms ??? ISJICEXP (short) I_MC_SJI_CMDED_EXP; SJI shutter commanded exposure in ms ??? IIMGOTS (int) Shutter activation time tag register; seconds ISQORBPD (int) I_SQ_ORB_PERIOD; IRIS orbital period ISQORBSE (int) I_SQ_ORB_EQ_SEC; Time satellite crosses the equator; seconds ISQORBSU (int) I_SQ_ORB_EQ_SUB; Time satellite crosses the equator; subseconds ISQOWTID (short) I_SQ_OWT_ID; Current Orbital Wobble Table ID ISQSRTID (short) I_SQ_SRT_ID; Current Solar Rotation Tracking table ID ISQPZTA (int) I_SQ_PZT_A; total PZT A offset of the current frame ISQPZTB (int) I_SQ_PZT_B; total PZT B offset of the current frame ISQPZTC (int) I_SQ_PZT_C; total PZT C offset of the current frame IISSPZTA (short) I_ISS_PZTOFFA; PZT A actuator offset value IISSPZTB (short) I_ISS_PZTOFFB; PZT B actuator offset value IISSPZTC (short) I_ISS_PZTOFFC; PZT C actuator offset value IRTPZTA (short) I_RT_PZTOFFA; PZT A actuator offset value for rotation tracking IRTPZTB (short) I_RT_PZTOFFB; PZT B actuator offset value for rotation tracking IRTPZTC (short) I_RT_PZTOFFC; PZT C actuator offset value for rotation tracking IWBPZTA (short) I_WB_PZTOFFA; PZT A actuator offset for the wobble table IWBPZTB (short) I_WB_PZTOFFB; PZT B actuator offset for the wobble table IWBPZTC (short) I_WB_PZTOFFC; PZT C actuator offset for the wobble table ISXER (int) I_ISS_X_ERROR; instantaneous ISS X axis error ISXERAVG (int) I_ISS_X_ERROR_AVG; average of I_ISS_X_ERROR_MAPPED over one packet ISXERMAX (int) I_ISS_X_ERROR_MAX; maximum of I_ISS_X_ERROR_MAPPED over one packet ISXERMIN (int) I_ISS_X_ERROR_MIN; minimum of I_ISS_X_ERROR_MAPPED over one packet ISYER (int) I_ISS_Y_ERROR; instantaneous ISS Y axis error ISYERAVG (int) I_ISS_Y_ERROR_AVG; average of I_ISS_Y_ERROR_MAPPED over one packet ISYERMAX (int) I_ISS_Y_ERROR_MAX; maximum of I_ISS_Y_ERROR_MAPPED over one packet ISYERMIN (int) I_ISS_Y_ERROR_MIN; minimum of I_ISS_Y_ERROR_MAPPED over one packet IGTPOFFX (short) I_GTP_BIAS_OFFSET_X; GT X offset (LSB = .01 arcsec) IGTPOFFY (short) I_GTP_BIAS_OFFSET_Y; GT Y offset (LSB = .01 arcsec) IGTPSVX (short) I_GTP_SUNVECTOR_X; average GT X error signal (LSB = 0.01 arcsec) IGTPSVY (short) I_GTP_SUNVECTOR_Y; average GT Y error signal (LSB = 0.01 arcsec) ITACSSTS (int) I_TAT_ACS_STATUS; ACS status word IAECTID (int) I_IMG_AEC_TABLE_ID; AEC table ID IAECENAM (int) I_AEC_ENA_MSK; AEC event table name or ID IAECEVFL (string) I_AEC_EV_FLAG; flag indicating occurance of a flaring event (EF=1) IAECFLAG (string) I_AEC_FLAG; enable AEC exposure update (AF=1) IAECFLFL (string) I_AEC_FLARE_FLAG; enable AEC flare mode (FF=1) IAECLTIM (int) I_AEC_LAPSE_TIME; AEC timeout to reset the exposure time IAECEVLT (int) I_AEC_EV_LAPSE_TIME; time period (in seconds) to reset the event flag IIHIS1 (int) I_IMG_HIST_BIN_1; Histogram count for bin 1 IIHIS2 (int) I_IMG_HIST_BIN_2; Histogram count for bin 2 IIHIS3 (int) I_IMG_HIST_BIN_3; Histogram count for bin 3 IIHIS4 (int) I_IMG_HIST_BIN_4; Histogram count for bin 4 IIHIS5 (int) I_IMG_HIST_BIN_5; Histogram count for bin 5 IIHISFSN (int) I_IMG_HIST_FSN; Image FSN from which histogram data was obtained KEYWDDOC (string) IRIS FITS keyword documentation HISTORY (string) Processing history of data COMMENT (string) Commentary on the data Segments for series iris.lev1: image_lev1 dn fits VARxVAR lev1 fits image with headers