No Prime Keys are defined for this series. DB Index Keys are same as Prime Keys All Keywords for series jsoc.gentrack: Ident (string) Request ID CarrRot (int) Carrington rotation at MidTime CMLon (float) Longitude of central meridian at MidTime LonHG (float) Carrington Longitude of tracked region center LatHG (float) Latitude of tracked region center LonCM (float) CM (Stonyhurst) Longitude of tracked region center at MidTime CRPIX1 (float) WCS reference pixel location CRPIX2 (float) WCS reference pixel location CRPIX3 (float) WCS reference pixel location CRVAL1 (float) WCS reference point value CRVAL2 (float) WCS reference point value CRVAL3 (time) WCS reference point value CDELT1 (float) WCS coordinate increment at reference point CDELT2 (float) WCS coordinate increment at reference point CDELT3 (float) WCS coordinate increment at reference point CTYPE1 (string) WCS axis type CTYPE2 (string) WCS axis type MidTime (time) Midpoint of tracking interval T_START (time) Start of tracking interval T_STOP (time) End of tracking interval Width (float) Longitude extent of region (nominal) Height (float) Latitude extent of region (nominal) Duration (float) Length of tracking interval LonSpan (float) Longitude span of tracking interval Coverage (float) Duty cycle (valid images/total frames) ZonalTrk (float) Zonal tracking rate (rel to Carrington) ZonalVel (float) Zonal + Rotational velocity at RSunRef and LatHG LonDrift (float) Longitude drift over tracking interval LatDrift (float) Latitude drift over tracking interval RSunRef (float) Reference value of solar radius MeridTrk (float) Meridional tracking rate MeridVel (float) Meridional velocity at RSunRef MapProj (string) Map projection MapScale (float) Original map scale PosAng (float) Position angle Carrington north wrt axis 2 Interp (string) Interpolation scheme DataMin (float) log (max power spectral density) DataMax (float) log (min power spectral density) Module (string) Creation module Source (string) Input data source Input (string) Input data records Created (time) File creation time Backgrnd (string) Background image subtracted from data RejectList (string) Image rejection list Content (string) Data content (Observable) WCSNAME (string) WCS name WCSAXES (int) Number of WCS axes CTYPE3 (string) WCS axis type CUNIT1 (string) WCS axis units CUNIT2 (string) WCS axis units CUNIT3 (string) WCS axis units Segments for series jsoc.gentrack: data ? fits VARxVARxVAR Tracked data cube Log NA generic Tracking log