Prime Keys are: T_REC is slotted 'ts_eq' using T_REC_index I_DREC DB Index Keys are same as Prime Keys All Keywords for series T_REC (time) Observation Reference time I_DREC (short) Record number within day T_OBS (time) Actual (center) of integration time DATE__OBS (time) [DATE-OBS] MDI_MTM1 (short) Michelson Tuning Motor 1 position MDI_MTM2 (short) Michelson Tuning Motor 2 position ITYPE (string) Light Path (Full-Disk, High-Res, Dark) OBSNAME (string) Observation type MDI_X0 (float) Sun ctr on coeval 1024^2 img @ 2"/pix (axis 1) (CRPIX1-1) MDI_Y0 (float) Sun ctr on coeval 1024^2 img @ 2"/pix (axis 2) (CRPIX2-1) CROTA2 (float) Position angle of the solar north pole measured westward (clockwise) from positive y-axis CAR_ROT (int) Carrington rotation number for CRLN_OBS CRLN_OBS (float) Heliographic longitude of the observer's disk center CRLT_OBS (float) Heliographic latitude of the observer's disk center DSUN_OBS (double) Distance from SOHO/MDI to Sun center OBS_VR (double) Radial velocity of observer; positive is away from Sun OBS_VW (double) 'Westward' velocity of observer; positive is in direction of Earth orbit OBS_VN (double) 'Northward' velocity of observer; positive is in direction of solar north RSUN_OBS (double) Apparent semi-diameter of the Sun in arcseconds from SOHO EARTH_DT (float) Delay time between T_OBS and T_EARTH (T_EARTH=T_OBS+EARTH_DT) QUALITY (int) Status Summary; 0: no known problems; <0: no data DATAVALS (int) Number of non-missing values in data record MISSVALS (int) Number of missing values in data record DATAMIN (float) Minimum value of data DATAMAX (float) Maximum value of data DATAMEDN (float) Median value of data DATAMEAN (float) Mean value of data DATARMS (float) RMS value of data DATASKEW (float) Skew; 3rd moment in distribution DATAKURT (float) Kurtosis; 4th moment in distribution DPC (int) MDI Data Product Code DATE (time) Date of ingest into DRMS SOURCE (string) DSDS data source BLDVER15 (string) Code release build number of program that created this record TBLXYUPD (time) Pointing table last modification date HISTORY (string) Processing History of Data CONTENT (string) Type of data MDI_CAL1 (short) Mode/Focus Wheel 1 position MDI_CAL2 (short) Mode/Focus Wheel 2 position TRG_MTM1 (string) Michelson Tuning Motor 1 wavelength target (FC: continuum) TRG_MTM2 (string) Michelson Tuning Motor 2 wavelength target (FC: continuum) RLC_MTM1 (short) Michelson Tuning Motor 1 position rel. to line center (nominal) RLC_MTM2 (short) Michelson Tuning Motor 2 position rel. to line center (nominal) MDI_PAW (short) Polarization Analyzer position (0: STD = linear) MDI_EXP (short) Exposure (1: HALF; 5: STD; 6: STDHR) COMMENT (string) Commentary on the data INSTRUME (string) Instrument TELESCOP (string) Observatory (Spacecraft) WAVELNTH (int) Nominal line wavelength ORIGIN (string) Organization that created FITS file ROLL_TBL (string) Name of DRMS series containing roll angle table. XY_FROM (string) Source of pointing information T_REC_epoch (time) T_REC_step (float) T_REC step Segments for series data Arbitrary intensity units fits 1040x1033 Camera value