Answer to the referee regarding the manuscript SOLA1205R1: We implemented all the suggestions of the referee, except his request that we modify Figure 24: I unfortunately deleted the data necessary to produce this figure from my filesystem. The HMI data used for this figure are not available online anymore. It would take me some time to reproduce Figure 24 and I therefore preferred to leave it as is. Detailed answer: - we restructured sections 2.1, 2.2., and 2.3 as suggested by the referee (however we used the section name "time delay" instead of "transmittance (related to time delay)"). - we replaced sin(\theta)^2 by \theta^2 where the equation was a second order expansion in \theta. - the referee asked why we care about some data obtained from a private company: this company is the manufacturer of the blocking filter and the data they provided us with are what they believe are the most appropriate for their filter, hence their use. We added the equation of the transmittance of a Fabry-Perot cavity, as the referee suggested. - we added the value of the I-ripple for a perfect instrument in section 2.4. - we removed the confusing mention to "two extra terms" when refering to Equation (1) on page 7. - We added 2 tables: one summarizing the test configurations for the ground calibration of the assembled instrument, and one summarizing our test results for both OBSMODE and CALMODE (on pages 16 and 46). - we modified figure 23 as suggested by the referee. We believe we implemented (almost) all the suggestions of the referee, and we hope these modifications will be deemed satisfactory.