pro color_key,pos=pos,ysize=ysize,range=range,inc=inc,labels=labels,$ charsize=charsize,barwidth=barwidth,step=step,title=title,$ colors=colors,nbotclr=nbotclr,clevels=clevels,slevels=slevels, $ xoff=xoff,rct=rct ;+ ;ROUTINE: COLOR_KEY ; ;PURPOSE: draws a numbered color scale. ; NOTE: COLOR_KEY is intended to replace PUT_COLOR_SCALE ; NOTE: on PCs use device,decompose=0 ; ;USEAGE: ; COLOR_KEY,pos=pos,ysize=ysize,range=range,inc=inc,$ ; charsize=charsize,barwidth=barwidth,step=step,$ ; labels=labels,title=title,colors=colors,nbotclr=nbotclr ; ;PURPOSE: Draws a numbered color scale ; ;INPUT: no required input ; ;OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: ; ; pos 2 element vector, x and y device coordinates of lower ; left hand corner of color bar. If POS is not set the ; color bar will be placed one character width to the ; right of the lower right corner of the last defined ; data window ; ; xoff x offset of color bar from right edge of plot frame in ; units of default character with. (default=1) xoff is ; disabled when pos is set. ; ; range array which contains full range of physical values, ; The number scale limits are computed fron min(range) and ; max(range). (default=0-255) ; ; inc increment step of the number scale in physical units ; If INC is not set the number scale increment is set ; automatically ; ; step if set to one, the color table is modified with STEP_CT. ; The color scale is stepped at the number scale intervals. ; ; colors a vector of discreet colors selected from the original ; color table. In this case the original color table is ; not modified and the number of elements of COLORS ; is used to find the number scale increments. This ; option should be used with devices that do not accept ; user specified color tables (such as the Apple Laser ; Writers). BEWARE: when the COLORS option is used with ; TVIM's SCALE option care must be taken to ensure that ; COLOR_KEY's number scale matches the quantity values. ; Unlike the STEP option, this is not automatic (see ; example below) ; ; nbotclr number of reserved colors at the bottom of the color ; table. these colors will not appear in the color key. ; ; charsize character size on number scale ; ; ysize vertical size of color bar in device units. ; if ysize is negative, the abs of ysize is interpreted ; as the normalized z coordinate of the top of the bar. ; ; barwidth width of color bar (default=1) ; ; labels a vector of strings used to label the color key levels ; if not set the default color key number labels are ; used. If the number of elements in LABELS is the same ; as the number of elements in COLORS then the labels ; will appear in the middle of a given color band ; instead of at the boundary between colors. ; ; title color scale title drawn to the right of the color key ; ; slevels selected levels at which to mark vertical scale. If LABELS ; is also set, the number of elements in LABELS should be ; equal to either nsl, or nsl-1 where nsl is the number of ; elements in SLEVELS. The SLEVELS input does not work when ; COLORS is also specified. ; ; rct if set, reverse direction of grey scale increase. This ; keyword can be used on black & white printers to allow ; large field values to be represented by dark colors. ; ; ; ;KEYWORD OUTPUT ; ; clevels physical values at the color key tic marks ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; if STEP is set COLOR_KEY calls STEP_CT to discreetize ; the color scale. To return to original color table ; enter STEP_CT,/OFF ; ;EXAMPLE: ; ;; on devices which allow user defined color tables: ; ; loadct,0 ; TVIM,dist(200),/scale ; COLOR_KEY,range=dist(200),inc=20,/step ; change the color scale ; COLOR_KEY,range=dist(200),inc=40,/step ; change it again ; ;; on devices with a single hard-wired color table: ; ; d=dist(200)+20. ; inc=step_size(d) ; finds good step size ; dmin=fix(min(d)/inc)*inc ; dmax=fix(max(d)/inc)*inc ; nclrs=(dmax-dmin)/inc ; colors=!p.color*indgen(nclrs)/(nclrs-1) ; TVIM,colors((d-dmin)/inc),/scale,/c_map ; color_key,range=[dmin,dmax],colors=colors ; ; ;; draw one big color key which applies to all tvim images on frame ; ; !p.multi=[0,2,2] ; loadct,5 ; im1=randata(128,128,s=3) ; im2=rotate(im1,5) ; im3=rotate(im1,7) ; im4=rotate(im1,2) ; range=[min(im1,max=mx),mx] ; !x.omargin=[0,20] ; tvim,im1,range=range ; tvim,im2,range=range ; tvim,im3,range=range ; tvim,im4,range=range ; color_key,range=range,xoff=10,ysize=-.97 ; ;; logarithmic scales ; ; im=randata(128,128) ; im=abs(im) & im=3*(im/max(im) > .001) ; tvim,im,/rmarg ; here we assume im is the log10 of some plot quantity. ; ; ndec=3 ; number of decades ; ; slevels=[1.] ; starting value ; for i=0,ndec-1 do slevels=[slevels,(findgen(9)+2)*10.^i] ; slevels=alog10(slevels) ; labels=strarr(n_elements(slevels)) ; labels(indgen(ndec+1)*9)=string(f='("10!a",i1,"!b")',indgen(ndec+1)) ; color_key,range=im,slevels=slevels,labels=labels ; ; ; AUTHOR: Paul Ricchiazzi jan93 ; Earth Space Research Group, UCSB ; ; REVISIONS: ; 20sep93: put in LABELS option ; 21sep93: use pure white blankout color for postscript ; 22sep93: put in COLORS option ; 09sep96: put in SLEVELS option ; ;- ; xunit=!d.x_ch_size if n_elements(xoff) eq 0 then xoff=1 if keyword_set(charsize) eq 0 then charsize=1 if keyword_set(pos) then begin x1=pos(0) y1=pos(1) endif else begin px=!x.window*!d.x_vsize py=!y.window*!d.y_vsize x1=px(1)+xunit*xoff y1=py(0) ys=py(1)-py(0) endelse max_color=(!d.n_colors-1) < 255 if keyword_set(ysize) eq 0 then begin if keyword_set(ys) then ysize=ys else ysize=max_color endif else begin if ysize lt 0. then ysize=(-ysize*!d.y_vsize-y1) > 2 endelse nlabels=n_elements(labels) if keyword_set(range) then begin amin=min(range) amax=max(range) endif else begin amin=0. amax=255. endelse ; s0=float(amin) s1=float(amax) ncolors=n_elements(colors) if ncolors gt 1 then begin incc=float(amax-amin)/ncolors endif else begin if keyword_set(inc) eq 0 then begin rng=alog10(s1-s0) if rng lt 0. then pt=fix(alog10(s1-s0)-.5) else pt=fix(alog10(s1-s0)+.5) incc=10.^pt tst=[.05,.1,.2,.5,1.,2.,5.,10] ii=where((s1-s0)/(incc*tst) le 16) incc=incc*tst(ii(0)) endif else begin incc=inc endelse s0=fix(s0/incc)*incc & if s0 lt amin then s0=s0+incc s1=fix(s1/incc)*incc & if s1 gt amax then s1=s1-incc endelse ; frmt='(e9.2)' nzs=fix(alog10(incc*1.01)) if nzs lt 0 and nzs gt -4 then begin frmt='(f8.'+string(form='(i1)',-nzs+1)+')' ; used on scale endif if nzs ge 0 and nzs le 3 then frmt='(f8.1)' mg=6 if nlabels eq 0 then begin smax=string(amax,form=frmt) smax=strcompress(smax,/remove_all) smin=string(amin,form=frmt) smin=strcompress(smin,/remove_all) lablen=strlen(smax) > strlen(smin) endif else begin lablen=max(strlen(labels)) endelse ; if keyword_set(barwidth) eq 0 then barwidth=1. ; dx=4*xunit*barwidth ; width of color bar x2=x1+dx x3=x2+.5*xunit mg=.5*xunit ; black out margin dy=ysize ; height of color bar y2=y1+dy bw=dx+2*mg+charsize*lablen*!d.x_ch_size bh=dy+2*mg+charsize*!d.y_ch_size if ncolors eq 0 then begin if keyword_set(nbotclr) eq 0 then nbotclr=0 if keyword_set(step) then step_ct,[amin,amax],incc,nbotclr=nbotclr ; clrbar=bytscl(indgen(y2-y1),top=max_color) clrbar=nbotclr+(max_color-nbotclr)*findgen(y2-y1)/(y2-y1-1) endif else begin clrbar=colors((ncolors*findgen(y2-y1)/(y2-y1-1)) < (ncolors-1)) endelse if keyword_set(rct) then clrbar=reverse(clrbar) ; if ! ne 'PS' then begin ;polyfill,x1-mg+[0,bw,bw,0,0],y1-mg+[0,0,bh,bh,0],/device,$ ; color=!p.background tv,(replicate(1b,dx) # clrbar),x1,y1,/device endif else begin tvlct,rr,gg,bb,/get tvlct,255,255,255,255 ;polyfill,x1-mg+[0,bw,bw,0,0],y1-mg+[0,0,bh,bh,0],/device,color=255 tvlct,rr,gg,bb tv,(replicate(1b,2) # clrbar),x1,y1,xsize=dx,ysize=dy endelse ; boxx=[x1,x2,x2,x1,x1] boxy=[y1,y1,y2,y2,y1] plots,boxx,boxy,/device denom=amax-amin ; nslev=n_elements(slevels) if nslev ne 0 then begin clevels=slevels nval=nslev-1 endif else begin nval=fix((s1-s0)/incc+.1) clevels=s0+findgen(nval+1)*incc endelse x4=0. for ival=0,nval do begin val=clevels(ival) ss=(val-amin)/denom if ss ge 0 and ss le 1 then begin yval=y1+(y2-y1)*ss plots,[x1,x2],[yval,yval],/device if nlabels eq 0 or nlabels gt nval then begin if nlabels ge nval then begin sval=labels(ival) endif else begin sval=string(val,form=frmt) sval=strcompress(sval,/remove_all) endelse xyouts,x3,yval,sval,width=w,/device,charsize=charsize endif else begin if ival lt nlabels then begin sval=labels(ival) ; ylab=yval+.5*incc*(y2-y1)/denom ylab=y1+(y2-y1)*(.5*(clevels(ival)+clevels(ival+1))-amin)/denom nlines=n_elements(str_sep(sval,'!c')) ylab=ylab+!d.y_ch_size*charsize*.5*(nlines-1) xyouts,x3,ylab,sval,width=w,/device,charsize=charsize endif endelse x4=x4 > w endif endfor if keyword_set(title) then begin xtitle=x3+x4*!d.x_vsize+1.5*xunit ytitle=y1+.5*ysize xyouts,xtitle,ytitle,/device,align=.5,orientation=-90,title,$ charsize=charsize endif ; end