#cvs/JSOC/base/sums/scripts/sumlookgroupcron.pl # #Calls the sumlookgroupX.pl to make the storage statistics and #copies it to /home/jsoc/public_html/SUM/sumlookgroup.html # #Normally started by production on n02: #05 5 * * 1 /home/production/cvs/JSOC/base/sums/scripts/sumlookgroupcron.pl $ENV{'JSOC_MACHINE'} = "linux_x86_64"; $ENV{'SUMPGPORT'} = 5434; $ldate = &labeldate; $cmd = "cp -p /home/jsoc/public_html/SUM/sumlookgroup.html /home/jsoc/public_html/SUM/ sumlookgroup.$ldate.html"; `$cmd`; $cmd = "/home/production/cvs/JSOC/base/sums/scripts/sumlookgroupX.pl -f jsoc_sums >& / tmp/look.sum"; `$cmd`; `cp /tmp/look.sum /home/jsoc/public_html/SUM/sumlookgroup.html`; ===================================================================================== #Also run as a cron job by production on k1: #45 2 * * * /home/production/cvs/JSOC/base/sums/scripts/tape_by_ds_shelf_cron.pl ===================================================================================== #Also run by production on n02: #45 5 * * 1 /home/production/cvs/JSOC/base/sums/scripts/gChart_cron.pl #outputs to gChart_user_data.out.sort.2012.06.20 $cmd = "gChart_user_data.pl $ydate"; print "$cmd\n"; @x = `$cmd`; print "@x\n"; ===================================================================================== #Also run by production on k1: #/home/production/cvs/JSOC/base/sums/scripts/gChart_user_sums.pl # #This is normally run as a cron job by production on k1: #55 3 * * * /home/production/cvs/JSOC/base/sums/scripts/gChart_user_sums_cron.pl # #Makes a html file to dislay the sum storage by user by day charts. #The display is for the last 7 days from the date given in the args. #Puts the html in /home/jsoc/public_html/SUMS/gChartBasicSums.html. #Uses the file, e.g., gChart_data/gChart_user_data.out.sort.2012.06.20 for the input data. #This data is generated by gChart_user_data.pl run on n02 as: #45 0 * * * /home/production/cvs/JSOC/base/sums/scripts/gChart_cron.pl # #Also makes a chart of the closed tape count in and out of the T950. #This uses the file gChart_data/tape_by_ds_shelf.log.2012.09.11 generated by #tape_by_ds_shelf.pl which is run as a cron job before this gChart_user_sums.pl. #45 2 * * * /home/production/cvs/JSOC/base/sums/scripts/tape_by_ds_shelf.pl