These data are freely available. We reserve the right to update it at any time. If you use the data or some product based on the data in a published paper, please include the following acknowledgment:
The simulations were performed by Thomas Hartlep and Nagi Mansour of NASA Ames Research Center. Their work was supported by NASA Living With a Star program, and the NASA Postdoctoral Program administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities under contract with NASA.and cite their relevant paper:
Hartlep, T., Zhao, J., Mansour, N. N., & Kosovichev, A. G. 2008, ApJ, 689, 1373**************************************************
Four different datasets are available for testing farside imaging: three simulations with a single spot at the image center but with different spot sizes, and one simulation with two spots with 150 degrees apart. The radii for three different spots are 180 Mm, 90 Mm and 45 Mm for the large, medium and small spots, respectively. The spots for two spots simulations have same medium size. A paper on these simulated data and time-distance farside imaging of these tests is also under preparation, and will be placed here once it is available.
One Large Spot |
One Medium Size Spot |
One Small Spot |
Two Medium Size Spots |