* -------------------------------------------- * Sample FORTRAN 77 program to make PPM / BMP * * 1998-Apr-03 (long long ago) * : * 2005-Jul-22 (added P3) * : * 2006 Dec-22 (added BMP) * * Image array rgb(3,*,*) is filled in subroutine mkbitmap() * and * saved in PPM or BMP format in subroutine pixout(). * * K. Hayashi * -------------------------------------------- * program pixelout implicit none integer ihpixf, jvpixf parameter(ihpixf = 128, jvpixf = 128) ! pixel size character*1 rgb(3,ihpixf,jvpixf) ! RGB image array integer nframe, nf2 do nframe = 1, 50 nf2 = nframe call mkbitmap(rgb,nf2) call pixout(rgb,nf2) enddo stop end program pixelout * -------------------------------------------- * * Notes * o With a parameter ipixout set at 1, 2 or others, * this subroutine will generate PPM-P6(binary), PPM-P3(text), * or BMP(24bit depth without color table). * * o Some parts follow DEC-FORTRAN convention that had been defacto-standard long ago. * Some compilers today may not accept if "ipixout" is set other than 2. * * o g77 (ver. 3.3.3) works for all three choices. * o Intel compiler (ver. 9 or later) works for all three choices. * * -------------------------------------------- * subroutine pixout(rgb,nframe) implicit none * interface arg. integer ihpixf, jvpixf parameter(ihpixf = 128, jvpixf = 128) ! pixel size, eacg must be multiple of 4, if BMP is chosen as output format. character*1 rgb(3,ihpixf,jvpixf) ! RGB data array integer nframe * local character*12 fnameout integer i, j, k integer itmp, icnt character*14 frmtstr character*54 headmsw character*4 byt4 character*2 byt2 * choices integer ipixout parameter(ipixout = 1) ! 1 / 2 / other= PPM6, PPM3, BMP(24bit) if (ipixout .EQ. 1) then * PPM P6 write(fnameout,'(''smpl'',i3.3,''.ppm'')') nframe ! name of PPM file open(unit=2,file=fnameout,status='unknown') write(*,*) 'Now writing PPM (P6) file : ', fnameout * header write(2,'(''P6'', 2(1x,i4),'' 255 '',$)') ! some compiler may not accept this line. & ihpixf, jvpixf * image data itmp = ihpixf * jvpixf * 3 write(frmtstr,'(''('',i8.8,''A,$)'')') itmp ! make output "format" write(2,fmt=frmtstr) ! some compiler may not accept this line. & (((rgb(k,i,j),k=1,3),i=1,ihpixf),j=jvpixf,1,-1) ! here, j (vertical address) runs from top to bottom. close(2) else if (ipixout .EQ. 2) then * PPM P3 ! rather "safer" choice for many Fortran compiler(s). write(fnameout,'(''smpl'',i3.3,''.ppm'')') nframe ! name of PPM file open(unit=2,file=fnameout,status='unknown') write(*,*) 'Now writing PPM (P3) file : ', fnameout * header write(2,'(A)') 'P3' write(2,'(2(1x,i4),'' 255 '')') ihpixf, jvpixf icnt = 0 * image data do j = jvpixf, 1, -1 ! here, j (vertical address) runs from top to bottom. do i = 1, ihpixf, 1 do k = 1, 3 itmp = ichar(rgb(k,i,j)) icnt = icnt + 4 if (icnt .LT. 60) then write(2,fmt='(1x,i3,$)') itmp ! "$" is not standard. else write(2,fmt='(1x,i3)') itmp icnt = 0 endif enddo enddo enddo write(2,'(A)') ' ' close(2) else * BMP (24bit depth)... this part works only when width is multiple of 4. itmp = mod(ihpixf, 4) if (itmp .NE. 0) then write(*,*) 'width must be multiple of 4' stop endif write(fnameout,'(''smpl'',i3.3,''.bmp'')') nframe ! name of BMP file open(unit=2,file=fnameout,status='unknown') write(*,*) 'Now writing BMP(24bit) file : ', fnameout * header 1 (file header ; 1--14 byte) headmsw( 1: 2) = 'BM' ! declaring this is BMP file itmp = 54 + ihpixf * jvpixf * 3 ! total file size = header + data call num2bit4(itmp,byt4) headmsw( 3: 6) = byt4(1:4) itmp = 0 ! may be 0 call num2bit2(itmp,byt2) headmsw( 7: 8) = byt2(1:2) itmp = 0 ! may be 0 call num2bit2(itmp,byt2) headmsw( 9:10) = byt2(1:2) itmp = 54 ! must be 54 : total length of header call num2bit4(itmp,byt4) headmsw(11:14) = byt4(1:4) * header 2 (bit-map header ; 13--54 byte) itmp = 40 ! must be 40 : length of bit-map header call num2bit4(itmp,byt4) headmsw(15:18) = byt4(1:4) itmp = ihpixf ! width call num2bit4(itmp,byt4) headmsw(19:22) = byt4(1:4) itmp = jvpixf ! height call num2bit4(itmp,byt4) headmsw(23:26) = byt4(1:4) itmp = 1 ! must be 1 call num2bit2(itmp,byt2) headmsw(27:28) = byt2(1:2) itmp = 24 ! must be 24 : color depth in bit. call num2bit2(itmp,byt2) headmsw(29:30) = byt2(1:2) itmp = 0 ! may be 0 : compression method index call num2bit4(itmp,byt4) headmsw(31:34) = byt4(1:4) itmp = 0 ! may be 0 : file size if compressed call num2bit4(itmp,byt4) headmsw(35:38) = byt4(1:4) itmp = 0 ! arbit. : pixel per meter, horizontal call num2bit4(itmp,byt4) headmsw(39:42) = byt4(1:4) itmp = 0 ! arbit. : pixel per meter, vertical call num2bit4(itmp,byt4) headmsw(43:46) = byt4(1:4) itmp = 0 ! may be 0 here : num. of color used call num2bit4(itmp,byt4) headmsw(47:50) = byt4(1:4) itmp = 0 ! may be 0 here : num. of important color call num2bit4(itmp,byt4) headmsw(51:54) = byt4(1:4) * writing header part write(2,'(a54,$)') headmsw(1:54) * image data itmp = ihpixf * jvpixf * 3 write(frmtstr,'(''('',i8.8,''A,$)'')') itmp write(2,fmt=frmtstr) & (((rgb(k,i,j),k=3,1,-1),i=1,ihpixf),j=1,jvpixf) ! writing in BGR order, not RGB. close(2) endif return end subroutine pixout * -------------------------------------- * convert integer values to 4 8-bit characters * -------------------------------------- subroutine num2bit4(inum,byt4) implicit none integer inum character*4 byt4 integer itmp1, itmp2 itmp1 = inum itmp2 = itmp1 / 256**3 byt4(4:4) = char(itmp2) itmp1 =-itmp2 * 256**3 +itmp1 itmp2 = itmp1 / 256**2 byt4(3:3) = char(itmp2) itmp1 =-itmp2 * 256**2 +itmp1 itmp2 = itmp1 / 256 byt4(2:2) = char(itmp2) itmp1 =-itmp2 * 256 +itmp1 byt4(1:1) = char(itmp1) return end subroutine num2bit4 * -------------------------------------- * convert integer values to 2 8-bit characters * -------------------------------------- subroutine num2bit2(inum,byt2) implicit none integer inum character*2 byt2 integer itmp1, itmp2 itmp1 = inum itmp2 = itmp1 / 256 byt2(2:2) = char(itmp2) itmp1 =-itmp2 * 256 + itmp1 byt2(1:1) = char(itmp1) return end subroutine num2bit2 * -------------------------------------------- * fill rgb data array with something * -------------------------------------------- subroutine mkbitmap(rgb,nframe) implicit none integer nframe integer ihpixf, jvpixf parameter(ihpixf = 128, jvpixf = 128) ! pixel size character*1 rgb(3,ihpixf,jvpixf) ! RGB pixel data array * local real*8 red, gre, blu integer ired, igre, iblu real*8 ofst parameter(ofst = 0.7D+00) integer i, j, itmp real*8 aa, bb, cc, rr, xx, yy, tt integer ichoice parameter(ichoice = 1) ! .... choice real*8 pi parameter(pi = 3.14159265358979D+00) if (ichoice .EQ. 0) then do 100 j = 1, jvpixf do 100 i = 1, ihpixf itmp = i*3*nframe + j*2 itmp = mod(itmp,256) ! assuming 8-bit color depth, rangeing from 0 to 255 rgb(1,i,j) = char(itmp) ! red itmp = i*1*nframe + j*3 itmp = mod(itmp,256) rgb(2,i,j) = char(itmp) ! green itmp = i*5*nframe + j*7 itmp = mod(itmp,256) rgb(3,i,j) = char(itmp) ! blue 100 continue else do 101 j = 1, jvpixf do 101 i = 1, ihpixf * red-ball tt = dfloat(nframe) / 25.0D+00 ! time/period xx = dfloat(i) / dfloat(ihpixf) - 0.33D+00 ! center x yy = dfloat(j) / dfloat(jvpixf) - 0.25D+00 ! center y rr = dsqrt(xx**2 + yy**2 + 1.0D-30) aa = rr / 0.25D+00 ! half-width bb =(tt - rr) * pi cc = dexp(-aa**2) * (dcos(bb))**2 if (cc .LT. ofst) then red = cc / ofst gre = 0.0D+00 blu = 0.0D+00 else red = 1.0D+00 gre =(cc - ofst) / (1.0D+00 - ofst) blu =(cc - ofst) / (1.0D+00 - ofst) endif * green-ball tt = dfloat(nframe) / 50.0D+00 xx = dfloat(i) / dfloat(ihpixf) - 0.40D+00 yy = dfloat(j) / dfloat(jvpixf) - 0.65D+00 rr = dsqrt(xx**2 + yy**2 + 1.0D-30) aa = rr / 0.40D+00 bb =(tt - rr) * pi cc = dexp(-aa**2) * (dcos(bb))**2 if (cc .LT. ofst) then ! here and hereafter, additive rgb color is simply added. gre = gre + cc / ofst else red = red +(cc - ofst) / (1.0D+00 - ofst) gre = gre + 1.0D+00 blu = blu +(cc - ofst) / (1.0D+00 - ofst) endif * blue-ball tt = dfloat(nframe) / 12.5D+00 xx = dfloat(i) / dfloat(ihpixf) - 0.75D+00 yy = dfloat(j) / dfloat(jvpixf) - 0.70D+00 rr = dsqrt(xx**2 + yy**2 + 1.0D-30) aa = rr / 0.30D+00 bb =(tt - rr) * pi cc = dexp(-aa**2) * (dcos(bb))**2 if (cc .LT. ofst) then blu = blu + cc / ofst else red = red +(cc - ofst) / (1.0D+00 - ofst) gre = gre +(cc - ofst) / (1.0D+00 - ofst) blu = blu + 1.0D+00 endif * yellow-ball tt = dfloat(nframe) / 16.66666666666D+00 xx = dfloat(i) / dfloat(ihpixf) - 0.75D+00 yy = dfloat(j) / dfloat(jvpixf) - 0.30D+00 rr = dsqrt(xx**2 + yy**2 + 1.0D-30) aa = rr / 0.25D+00 bb =(tt - rr) * pi cc = dexp(-aa**2) * (dcos(bb))**2 if (cc .LT. ofst) then red = red + cc / ofst gre = gre + cc / ofst else red = red + 1.0D+00 gre = gre + 1.0D+00 blu = blu +(cc - ofst) / (1.0D+00 - ofst) endif ired = int(red * 255.0D+00) igre = int(gre * 255.0D+00) iblu = int(blu * 255.0D+00) if (ired .GT. 255) ired = 255 if (igre .GT. 255) igre = 255 if (iblu .GT. 255) iblu = 255 if (ired .LT. 0) ired = 0 if (igre .LT. 0) igre = 0 if (iblu .LT. 0) iblu = 0 rgb(1,i,j) = char(ired) rgb(2,i,j) = char(igre) rgb(3,i,j) = char(iblu) 101 continue endif ** * Make a white dot that must appear at a point, * 1/3 horizontal size (width) from the leftmost * and 1/4 vertical (height) from the bottom. ** * rgb(1,ihpixf/3,jvpixf/4) = char(255) * rgb(2,ihpixf/3,jvpixf/4) = char(255) * rgb(3,ihpixf/3,jvpixf/4) = char(255) ** return end subroutine mkbitmap * -------------------------------------------- * end of this file, thank you. * --------------------------------------------