LANSVD Compute a few singular values and singular vectors. LANSVD computes singular triplets (u,v,sigma) such that A*u = sigma*v and A'*v = sigma*u. Only a few singular values and singular vectors are computed using the Lanczos bidiagonalization algorithm with partial reorthogonalization (BPRO). S = LANSVD(A) S = LANSVD('Afun','Atransfun',M,N) The first input argument is either a matrix or a string containing the name of an M-file which applies a linear operator to the columns of a given matrix. In the latter case, the second input must be the name of an M-file which applies the transpose of the same operator to the columns of a given matrix, and the third and fourth arguments must be M and N, the dimensions of the problem. [U,S,V] = LANSVD(A,K,'L',...) computes the K largest singular values. [U,S,V] = LANSVD(A,K,'S',...) computes the K smallest singular values. The full calling sequence is [U,S,V] = LANSVD(A,K,SIGMA,OPTIONS) [U,S,V] = LANSVD('Afun','Atransfun',M,N,K,SIGMA,OPTIONS) where K is the number of singular values desired and SIGMA is 'L' or 'S'. The OPTIONS structure specifies certain parameters in the algorithm. Field name Parameter Default OPTIONS.tol Convergence tolerance 16*eps OPTIONS.lanmax Dimension of the Lanczos basis. OPTIONS.p0 Starting vector for the Lanczos rand(n,1)-0.5 iteration. Level of orthogonality among the sqrt(eps/K) Lanczos vectors. OPTIONS.eta Level of orthogonality after 10*eps^(3/4) reorthogonalization. OPTIONS.cgs reorthogonalization method used 0 '0' : iterated modified Gram-Schmidt '1' : iterated classical Gram-Schmidt OPTIONS.elr If equal to 1 then extended local 1 reorthogonalization is enforced. See also LANBPRO, SVDS, SVD References: R.M. Larsen, Ph.D. Thesis, Aarhus University, 1998. B. N. Parlett, ``The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem'', Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1980. H. D. Simon, ``The Lanczos algorithm with partial reorthogonalization'', Math. Comp. 42 (1984), no. 165, 115--142. Rasmus Munk Larsen, Stanford University, 2000