import numpy as np import os import h5py import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #from matplotlib import animation from matplotlib import cm import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("orangegold", ["darkorange","black","gold"])) mpl.colormaps.register(cmap=LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("redyellow", ["red","yellow"])) modeldir='../mods' modeln=np.array([]) modell=np.array([]) modelnu=np.array([]) rmesh=np.array([]) rho=np.array([]) R=0.0 arrlist_surf={} lmaxlist_surf={} arrlist_int={} lmaxlist_int={} eimphilist={} def loadmodel(): # in_dir = '/home/tplarson/solar/mods' in_dir = modeldir fname = 'mods_p3_eigfcn.h5' hf = h5py.File(os.path.join(in_dir, fname)) # load r, rho and R from "model" global rmesh, rho, R rmesh, rho, R = [hf['model'][k].value for k in ['r', 'rho', 'R']] rmesh /= R # load l and n from "modes" global modeln, modell, modelnu modeln, modell, modelnu = [hf['modes'][k].value for k in ['n', 'l', 'nu']] def getradial(l,n): # in_dir = '/home/tplarson/solar/mods' in_dir = modeldir fname = 'mods_p3_eigfcn.h5' hf = h5py.File(os.path.join(in_dir, fname)) # open y1 and y2 data sets from "modes" (without reading the data) y1ds = hf['modes/y1'] y2ds = hf['modes/y2'] idx = ((modeln == n) & (modell == l)) y1, y2 = y1ds[idx,:], y2ds[idx,:] # compute xi_r and xi_h L2 = l * (l + 1) xir = (y1 * R).flatten() if (l > 0): xih = (y2 * R / L2).flatten() else: xih = 0.0*xir return (xir, xih) def writesurfacemodel(lmin=0, lmax=300, rsurf=1.0): outfile='model.surface.modes' file=open(outfile,'w') in_dir = modeldir fname = 'mods_p3_eigfcn.h5' hf = h5py.File(os.path.join(in_dir, fname)) # load r, rho and R from "model" rmesh, c, R = [hf['model'][k].value for k in ['r', 'c', 'R']] indsurf = np.abs(rmesh-rsurf*R).argmin() # load l and n from "modes" modeln, modell, modelnu, modelsig2, modelE = [hf['modes'][k].value for k in ['n', 'l', 'nu', 'sigma2', 'E']] outfmt='{:d} {:d} {:f} {:f} {:f} {:f} {:f} {:f} {:f}' l=lmin while (l <= lmax): ind = (modell == l) nlist = modeln[ind] for n in nlist: xir, xih = getradial(l,n) # rc=float(xir[indsurf]) # hc=float(xih[indsurf]) rc=np.interp(rsurf*R,rmesh,xir) hc=np.interp(rsurf*R,rmesh,xih) ind2 = (modell == l) & (modeln == n) nu = float(modelnu[ind2]) erg = float(modelE[ind2])*1e6 sig2 = float(modelsig2[ind2]) if (l > 0): L=np.sqrt(l*(l+1)) # indturn=np.abs(rmesh/c - L/(2*np.pi*nu)).argmin() # rturn=float(rmesh[indturn]/R) rturn=np.interp(L/(2*np.pi*nu),rmesh/c,rmesh)/R else: rturn=0.0 amp=nu*np.sqrt(np.square(rc)+l*(l+1)*np.square(hc)) nu*=1e6 amp=float(amp)/30e6 # outstr=f'{l:d} {n:d} {nu:f} {amp:f} {sig2:f} {rc:f} {hc:f} {rturn:f} {erg:f}' outstr=outfmt.format(int(l),int(n),nu,amp,sig2,rc,hc,rturn,erg) file.write('%s\n' % (outstr)) l+=1 file.close() def image2sphere(xpixels=1000, ypixels=1000, distobs=220.0, \ bangle=30.0, pangle=0.0, xoffset=0.0, yoffset=0.0): p = pangle*np.pi/180 b0 = bangle*np.pi/180 #distobs = 220.0 # solar radii #xpixels = 1000 #ypixels = 1000 x0 = xpixels/2-0.5 + xoffset y0 = ypixels/2-0.5 + yoffset imscale = 1.97784*1024/xpixels scale = imscale/(180*60*60/np.pi) rsun=np.tan(np.arcsin(1/distobs))/scale # Sun is sitting at the center of the main coordinate system and has radius 1. # Observer is at robs=(xobs,yobs,zobs) moving with a velocity vobs. # Start by setting robs from distobs and b0 robs_x = distobs * np.cos(b0) robs_y = 0.0 robs_z = distobs * np.sin(b0) # image coordinates xx = np.linspace(0, xpixels-1, xpixels) yy = np.linspace(0, ypixels-1, ypixels) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) x2 = scale*(xx - x0) y2 = scale*(yy - y0) # Rotate by the P-angle. New coordinate system has the y-axis pointing # towards the solar north pole. x1 = x2*np.cos(p) + y2*np.sin(p) y1 = -x2*np.sin(p) + y2*np.cos(p) # Now transform to put the coordinates into the solar coordinate system. # First find the directions (vecx and vecy) the x2 and y2 coordinate # axis correspond to. vecsun points towards the Sun. Note that the # (x2,y2,Sun) system is left handed. These vectors are unit vectors. vecx_x=0.0 vecx_y=1.0 vecx_z=0.0 vecy_x=-np.sin(b0) vecy_y=0.0 vecy_z=np.cos(b0) vecsun_x=-np.cos(b0) vecsun_y=0.0 vecsun_z=-np.sin(b0) # Now the proper direction can be found. These are not unit vectors. x = vecx_x*x1 + vecy_x*y1 + vecsun_x y = vecx_y*x1 + vecy_y*y1 + vecsun_y z = vecx_z*x1 + vecy_z*y1 + vecsun_z qq = 1/np.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z) # Make them unit vectors. x*=qq y*=qq z*=qq # Now find intersection with the Sun. # Solve quadratic equation |robs+q*[x1,y1,z1]|=1 for q # a, b and c are terms in a*x^2+bx+c=0. a==1 since [x1,y1,z1] is unit vector. c = robs_x*robs_x + robs_y*robs_y + robs_z*robs_z -1 b = 2*(x*robs_x+y*robs_y+z*robs_z) d = b*b - 4*c index = (d >= 0) q = np.zeros([xpixels,ypixels]) xsun = np.zeros([xpixels,ypixels]) ysun = np.zeros([xpixels,ypixels]) zsun = np.zeros([xpixels,ypixels]) q[index]=(-b[index] - np.sqrt(d[index]))/2 xsun[index]=robs_x + x[index]*q[index] ysun[index]=robs_y + y[index]*q[index] zsun[index]=robs_z + z[index]*q[index] phisun = np.arctan2(ysun,xsun) thetasun = np.pi/2 - np.arcsin(zsun), mask=np.logical_not(index)), mask=np.logical_not(index)) return (ph, th) def image2rtheta(xpixels=1000, ypixels=1000, distobs=220.0, xoffset=0.0, yoffset=0.0, \ bangle=0.0, pangle=0.0, gamma=0.0): p = pangle*np.pi/180 b0 = bangle*np.pi/180 g = gamma*np.pi/180 imscale = 1.97784*1024/xpixels scale = imscale/(180*60*60/np.pi) rsun=np.tan(np.arcsin(1/distobs))/scale x0 = xpixels/2-0.5 + xoffset y0 = ypixels/2-0.5 + yoffset xx = (np.linspace(0, xpixels-1, xpixels)-x0)/rsun zz = (np.linspace(0, ypixels-1, ypixels)-y0)/rsun xx, zz = np.meshgrid(xx, zz) xx /= np.cos(g) zz /= np.cos(b0) x1 = xx*np.cos(p) + zz*np.sin(p) z1 = -xx*np.sin(p) + zz*np.cos(p) rr = np.sqrt(x1*x1 + z1*z1) index = (rr <= 1.0) r =, mask=np.logical_not(index)) angle = np.arctan2(x1,z1) theta =, mask=r.mask) phi = 0.0*theta index = (angle < 0.0) phi[index]=np.pi return (r, theta, phi) def setplm(l, m, x, plm, dplm): # adapted from by Jesper Schou # Set plm(*,l)=P_l^m (x) for l=m,lmax # optionally sets dplm(*,l)={{dP_l^m} \over dx} (x) for l=m,lmax # P_l^m 's are normalized to have \int_{-1}^1 (P_l^m (x))^2 dx = 1 # Works up to l \approx 1800, see ~/invnew/plm.f for details eps = 1.0e-12 x1 = np.maximum(np.minimum(x,1-eps),eps-1) # x1 = x x2 = 1.0/(x1*x1-1.0) x3 = x1*x2 c = np.sqrt((2*m+1)/2.0) for i in range(1,m+1): c *= -np.sqrt(1.0-0.5/i) plm[...,0] = c*(np.sqrt(1.0-x1*x1))**m if (l > m): c = np.sqrt(2.0*m+3.0) plm[...,1] = c*x1*plm[...,0] i = m+2 while (i <= l): c1 = np.sqrt((4.0*i*i-1.0)/(i*i-m*m)) c2 = np.sqrt(((2.0*i+1.0)*(i+m-1.0)*(i-m-1.0))/((2.0*i-3.0)*(i*i-m*m))) plm[...,i-m] = c1*x1*plm[...,i-m-1] - c2*plm[...,i-m-2] i+=1 dplm[...,0] = m*x3*plm[...,0] i = m+1 while (i <= l): c = np.sqrt((2.0*i+1.0)*(i*i-m*m)/(2.0*i-1)) dplm[...,i-m] = i*x3*plm[...,i-m] - c*x2*plm[...,i-m-1] i+=1 return (plm[...,l-m],dplm[...,l-m]) lsave=[0] msave=[0] nsave=[1] def querylmn(index): global lsave, msave, nsave if (index < 0): if (index < -len(lsave)): i=-len(lsave) else: i=index else: i=-1 lstr=catchc("Enter spherical harmonic degree (l): ",lsave[i]) if lstr == 'q': return (-1,-1,-1) else: while True: try: lval=int(lstr) if lval < 0: print("Degree must be greater than or equal to zero. Try again.") lstr=catchc("Enter spherical harmonic degree (l): ",lsave[i]) if lstr == 'q': return (-1,-1,-1) continue break except: print("Invalid number, try again.") lstr=catchc("Enter spherical harmonic degree (l): ", lsave[i]) if lstr == 'q': return (-1,-1,-1) mstr=catchc("Enter azimuthal order (m): ",msave[i]) if mstr == 'q': return (-1,-1,-1) else: while True: try: mval=int(mstr) if np.abs(mval) > lval: print("Azimuthal order must be in the range -l <= m <= l. Try again.") mstr=catchc("Enter azimuthal order (m): ",msave[i]) if mstr == 'q': return (-1,-1,-1) continue break except: print("Invalid number, try again.") mstr=catchc("Enter azimuthal order (m): ",msave[i]) if mstr == 'q': return (-1,-1,-1) nstr=catchc("Enter radial order (n): ",nsave[i]) if nstr == 'q': return (-1,-1,-1) else: while True: try: nval=int(nstr) if nval < 0: print("Radial order must be greater than or equal to zero. Try again.") nstr=catchc("Enter radial order (n): ",nsave[i]) if nstr == 'q': return (-1,-1,-1) continue break except: print("Invalid number, try again.") nstr=catchc("Enter radial order (n): ",nsave[i]) if nstr == 'q': return (-1,-1,-1) lsave.append(lval) msave.append(mval) nsave.append(nval) return (lval,mval,nval) varlist=['Vr', 'Vt', 'Vp', 'Vh', 'Vmag', 'Vsq'] colormap="seismic" plotvar="Vr" isave=0 capflag=0 def queryplotparms(): global colormap, plotvar, capflag, isave print("You may enter 'l' to list options.") cmap=input("Enter name of colormap: ") while True: if (cmap == 'q'): return cmap if (cmap == ''): print("Using saved value colormap = %s." % colormap) cmap=colormap break if (cmap == 'l'): printcmaps() print("Current colormap is %s." % colormap) cmap=input("Enter name of colormap: ") continue elif (cmap not in plt.colormaps()): print("That colormap not registered, try again.") cmap=input("Enter name of colormap: ") continue else: break colormap=cmap pvar=input("Enter variable to plot: ") while True: if (pvar == 'q'): return pvar if (pvar == ''): print("Using saved value plotvar = %s." % plotvar) pvar=plotvar break if (pvar == 'l'): print("Available plotting variables are: ", end="") for i in varlist[:len(varlist)-1]: print(i, end=", ") print("and %s" % varlist[len(varlist)-1], end=".\n") print("Currently plotting %s." % plotvar) pvar=input("Enter variable to plot: ") continue elif (pvar not in varlist): print("That variable not available, try again.") pvar=input("Enter variable to plot: ") continue else: break plotvar=pvar cfstr=input("Enter caption flag: ") while True: if (cfstr == 'q'): return cfstr if (cfstr == ''): print("Using saved value caption flag = %i." % capflag) cflag=capflag break if (cfstr == 'l'): print("Available caption flags are: ") print("0 - no caption") print("1 - stacked caption") print("2 - single line caption") print("3 - one line per mode") print("Current caption flag is %i." % capflag) cfstr=input("Enter caption flag: ") continue elif (cfstr not in ['0','1','2','3']): print("Invalid caption flag, try again.") cfstr=input("Enter caption flag: ") continue else: cflag=int(cfstr) break capflag=cflag ss=input("Save output to file? (y/n) ") if (ss == 'q'): return ss if (ss != 'y'): isave=0 print("Save off.") else: isave=1 print("Save on.") print() def catchc(prompt, saveval): valstr=input(prompt) if (valstr == 'q'): return valstr while (valstr == 'c'): c=queryplotparms() if (c == 'q'): return c valstr=input(prompt) if (valstr == ''): print("Using saved value %s." % str(saveval)) valstr=str(saveval) return valstr def printcmaps(): print("Options include the following nonexhaustive list. You may append '_r' to any name to reverse the map. \ More information is available at") cmaps = [('Perceptually Uniform Sequential', [ 'viridis', 'plasma', 'inferno', 'magma', 'cividis']), ('Sequential', [ 'Greys', 'Purples', 'Blues', 'Greens', 'Oranges', 'Reds', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd', 'OrRd', 'PuRd', 'RdPu', 'BuPu', 'GnBu', 'PuBu', 'YlGnBu', 'PuBuGn', 'BuGn', 'YlGn']), ('Sequential (2)', [ 'binary', 'gist_yarg', 'gist_gray', 'gray', 'bone', 'pink', 'spring', 'summer', 'autumn', 'winter', 'cool', 'Wistia', 'hot', 'afmhot', 'gist_heat', 'copper']), ('Diverging', [ 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'BrBG', 'PuOr', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral', 'coolwarm', 'bwr', 'seismic']), # ('Cyclic', ['twilight', 'twilight_shifted', 'hsv']), ('Qualitative', [ 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Paired', 'Accent', 'Dark2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3', 'tab10', 'tab20', 'tab20b', 'tab20c']), ('Miscellaneous', ['hsv', 'flag', 'prism', 'ocean', 'gist_earth', 'terrain', 'gist_stern', 'gnuplot', 'gnuplot2', 'CMRmap', 'cubehelix', 'brg', 'gist_rainbow', 'rainbow', 'jet', 'nipy_spectral', 'gist_ncar'])] for c in cmaps: print("%s:" % c[0]) for m in c[1]: print(m,end=" ") print("") def nothing(): return None nframes=64 dpi=300 icolshift=0 pngdirfmt = './png_out/{:s}{:s}.l{:d}m{:d}n{:d}' animate=nothing calcimage=nothing bgcol='white' txtcol='black' capblank=r'$\mathbf{\ell} = 5$' '\n' r'${m = 3}$' '\n' r'${n = 1}$' def drawfigure(var, caption=None, fsize=5): # below was written for single images. same functionality is now # achieved by setting vmin and vmax. probably exactly the same # but new code is clearer. # for animations. # if (icolshift != 0) and plotvar in ['Vr','Vt','Vp']: # mn,mx=var.min(),var.max() # absarr=np.abs([mn,mx]) # frac=(mx-mn)/(2*absarr.max()) # table=cm.get_cmap(colormap,256/frac) # if (absarr[0]>absarr[1]): # newcolors=table(np.linspace(0,frac,256)) # else: # newcolors=table(np.linspace(1-frac,1,256)) # newmap=ListedColormap(newcolors, name='soshtmp') # cm.register_cmap(cmap=newmap) # usemap='soshtmp' # else: # usemap=colormap fig, ax = plt.subplots(num=1, figsize=(fsize, fsize), facecolor=bgcol) ax.clear() # im=ax.imshow(var,cmap=usemap) im=ax.imshow(var, origin='lower', cmap=colormap) if (icolshift == 1) and plotvar in ['Vr','Vt','Vp']: mn,mx=var.min(),var.max() maxabs=np.abs([mn,mx]).max() # im=ax.imshow(var, cmap=colormap, vmin=-maxabs, vmax=maxabs) im.set_clim(vmin=-maxabs, vmax=maxabs) print("Scaling to maxval = %f"%maxabs) elif (icolshift == 2): maxval=0.0 for i in range(nframes): d=calcimage(i) val=np.abs(d).max() if (val > maxval): maxval=val if plotvar in ['Vr','Vt','Vp']: # im=ax.imshow(var, cmap=colormap, vmin=-maxval, vmax=maxval) im.set_clim(vmin=-maxval, vmax=maxval) else: im.set_clim(vmin=0.0, vmax=maxval) print("Scaling to maxval = %f"%maxval) # else: # im=ax.imshow(var, cmap=colormap) ax.set_axis_off() fig.canvas.draw() if (caption != None): ax.text(0.5,-0.07,caption,size='large',multialignment='center',horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',transform=ax.transAxes,color=txtcol) return (fig,im) def savefigure(ianimate=1, label=''): l=lsave[-1] m=msave[-1] n=nsave[-1] if (ianimate == 0): savestr='png_out/'+plotvar+label+'.l%im%in%i.png' % (l,m,n) plt.savefig(savestr, dpi=dpi, facecolor=bgcol) print("File saved.") else: pngdir = pngdirfmt.format(plotvar, label, l, m, n) if not os.path.exists(pngdir): os.makedirs(pngdir) print("Writing files...", end="") for i in range(nframes): print(i, end=" ", flush=True) animate(i) fpath = os.path.join(pngdir, '{:03d}.png'.format(i)) plt.savefig(fpath, dpi=dpi, facecolor=bgcol) print("done.")