HMI Data and Results

Several versions of HMI active region identification and tracking results are below this page.

The general results are described in this poster from the 2012 AGU fall meeting.

Results below are ordered most recent first.

Better HARP-NOAA Association

Draft results on an improved method for associating NOAA ARs with HARPs. We found that, especially for large HARPs, the NOAA_AR and NOAA_ARS keywords were not reliably pointing to all the matching NOAA active regions. This has been fixed in current data series.

Better Quicklook Movies

These improved quicklook movies use JSOC for data. After collecting comments, we installed improved versions of these movies on the HMI web site. Accordingly, this is obsolete.

The improved quicklooks have a description.

Older HMI Tracking Results

Trial NRT HMI tracks Small set of HARPs from NRT-mode tracker, February 2012.

Experimental HMI tracks, comprehensive coverage These movies and maps were prepared (November 2011) using the optimal tracker settings as determined below.

Ancient HMI Tracking Results

Experimental HMI tracks, restricted coverage These movies were prepared (November 2011) using a variety of tracker settings, designed to reduce duplicate HARPs. They use a set of unreleased su_turmon.Marmaskv7_720s masks.

Released-mask HMI tracks These movies were prepared in September 2011. They use the released hmi.Marmask_720s masks.

Draft HMI tracks These movies cover 2011 Jan-June. They use temporal information in the improved way (see below). They use the draft hmi.Marmask_720s masks, which were replaced in September 2011. The runs were from August 2011.

Later HMI test tracks These movies use temporal information more carefully to produce smoother tracks than the first version of the tracker above. These were completed around April 2011.

Initial HMI test tracks These early movies show some simple artifacts that have been suppressed in later versions of the tracker.

Spatial/temporal smoothing These movies were made with a rough-draft smoother that works in both space and time. The other HMI movies above are filtered (that is, except for region merges, only temporal information from the past is used in finding tracks). By using the future and the past, we can make smoother tracks. This proof of concept has not been deployed.

MDI Tracking Results

We used the HMI methods with the last revision of the MDI data (1996-2010) to produce a catalog of MDI magnetic activity from cycle 23 that is continued by the HMI data (2010-present). This catalog will soon be available as a data series. For more information on this product and related activity masks, see here.

Ancient MDI Tracking Results

These are older representative results from MDI for comparison's sake. They use the low-rate (4 daily) magnetograms and intensitygrams, so they're in a qualitatively different regime than the 20-times-faster HMI results above. Both sets of movies cover about 12 years.

MDI new-calibration magnetograms This covers 1996-2008.

MDI old-calibration magnetograms This covers 1996-2007.

Data Anomaly

March 2011 eclipse anomaly A lunar eclipse allowed a few bad images to leak thru.