Correspondences of HARPs and NOAA ARs

Time range: 2011.02.01_00:00 – 2011.03.01_23:48
HARP range: 355 – 394 with 13 distinct HARPs matching NOAA ARs
NOAA range: 11150 – 11165 with 15 distinct NOAA ARs

Association of NOAA ARs to HARPs

The Ø symbol in the HARP ID column indicates there was no matching HARP for this range of T_REC.

Each tally in the "counts" column represents one NOAA-to-HARP match at one particular T_REC.

The T_REC range is an earliest time and a latest time, but the relevant match may not be continuous over that entire interval. The ΔT column is the length of that interval, in both days and samples (720s cadence).

NOAA AR HARP ID Counts TFirst – TLast ΔT
11150 355 983 2011.02.01_00:00 – 2011.02.09_04:24 08+04:24 983
11152 361 674 2011.02.03_18:12 – 2011.02.09_08:48 05+14:36 674
11153 362 658 2011.02.04_18:12 – 2011.02.10_06:00 05+11:48 660
11154 368 213 2011.02.08_18:12 – 2011.02.10_13:12 01+19:00 216
+ Ø 1 2011.02.09_06:36 – 2011.02.09_06:36 00+00:00 1
11155 366 59 2011.02.08_18:12 – 2011.02.09_05:48 00+11:36 59
+ 364 1 2011.02.09_06:00 – 2011.02.09_06:00 00+00:00 1
11156 367 860 2011.02.08_18:12 – 2011.02.17_06:00 08+11:48 1020
+ Ø 158 2011.02.09_19:24 – 2011.02.11_03:12 01+07:48 160
11157 364 1135 2011.02.08_18:12 – 2011.02.18_06:00 09+11:48 1140
+ Ø 3 2011.02.17_12:12 – 2011.02.17_14:36 00+02:24 13
11158 377 1140 2011.02.11_18:12 – 2011.02.21_06:00 09+11:48 1140
11159 371 850 2011.02.11_18:12 – 2011.02.18_23:36 07+05:24 868
11160 384 1310 2011.02.12_18:12 – 2011.02.25_06:00 12+11:48 1500
11161 384 1250 2011.02.14_18:12 – 2011.02.25_06:00 10+11:48 1260
11162 384 770 2011.02.18_18:12 – 2011.02.25_06:00 06+11:48 780
11163 392 629 2011.02.24_18:12 – 2011.03.01_23:48 05+05:36 629
11164 393 509 2011.02.25_18:12 – 2011.03.01_23:48 04+05:36 509
11165 394 389 2011.02.26_18:12 – 2011.03.01_23:48 03+05:36 389

Association of HARPs to NOAA ARs

Only HARPs for which there was a NOAA match are shown in this table.

The Ø symbol at the end of the HARP ID column shows NOAA ARs for which there was no matching HARP at some times.

Each tally in the "counts" column represents one HARP-to-NOAA match at one particular T_REC.

The T_REC range is an earliest time and a latest time, but the relevant match may not be continuous over that entire interval. The ΔT column is the length of that interval, in both days and samples (720s cadence).

HARP ID NOAA AR Counts TFirst – TLast ΔT
355 11150 983 2011.02.01_00:00 – 2011.02.09_04:24 08+04:24 983
361 11152 674 2011.02.03_18:12 – 2011.02.09_08:48 05+14:36 674
362 11153 658 2011.02.04_18:12 – 2011.02.10_06:00 05+11:48 660
364 11157 1135 2011.02.08_18:12 – 2011.02.18_06:00 09+11:48 1140
+ 11155 1 2011.02.09_06:00 – 2011.02.09_06:00 00+00:00 1
366 11155 59 2011.02.08_18:12 – 2011.02.09_05:48 00+11:36 59
367 11156 860 2011.02.08_18:12 – 2011.02.17_06:00 08+11:48 1020
368 11154 213 2011.02.08_18:12 – 2011.02.10_13:12 01+19:00 216
371 11159 850 2011.02.11_18:12 – 2011.02.18_23:36 07+05:24 868
377 11158 1140 2011.02.11_18:12 – 2011.02.21_06:00 09+11:48 1140
384 11160 1310 2011.02.12_18:12 – 2011.02.25_06:00 12+11:48 1500
+ 11161 1250 2011.02.14_18:12 – 2011.02.25_06:00 10+11:48 1260
+ 11162 770 2011.02.18_18:12 – 2011.02.25_06:00 06+11:48 780
392 11163 629 2011.02.24_18:12 – 2011.03.01_23:48 05+05:36 629
393 11164 509 2011.02.25_18:12 – 2011.03.01_23:48 04+05:36 509
394 11165 389 2011.02.26_18:12 – 2011.03.01_23:48 03+05:36 389
Ø 11156 158 2011.02.09_19:24 – 2011.02.11_03:12 01+07:48 160
+ 11157 3 2011.02.17_12:12 – 2011.02.17_14:36 00+02:24 13
+ 11154 1 2011.02.09_06:36 – 2011.02.09_06:36 00+00:00 1