; ; PURPOSE: produce an image for Carrington maps that can be overlad by CONTOURs & lines ; MODIFIED: 24March2005 Xuepu Zhao for adding keyword sy ; NOTE: the MDI SC is in equal step of LATITUDE 27APR2006 Xuepu ; the WSO SC is in equal step of SIN(lat) ; MODIFIED: 14SEP2006 Xuepu for adding keyword std ; PRO pscimg06,bimg,tt,px,py,SY=sy,CSZ=csz,STD=std if N_params() LT 1 then begin print,'PRO pscimg06,bimg,tt,px,py,sy=,csz=,/std' print,"sy = 'lat','sla'; csz=1.0" print,'/std -- Standard SC with 180 centered' return endif if not keyword_set(csz) then csz=1.0 interp=1 CASE 1 OF ;set window used by contour or plot sy eq 'lat': plot,[[0,0],[1,1]],/nodata,xstyle=5,ystyle=5,title=tt,$ xrange=[0,360],yrange=[-90,90],charsize=csz sy eq 'sla': plot,[[0,0],[1,1]],/nodata,xstyle=5,ystyle=5,title=tt,$ xrange=[0,360],yrange=[-1,1],charsize=csz else: plot,[[0,0],[1,1]],/nodata,xstyle=5,ystyle=5,title=tt,$ xrange=[0,1],yrange=[0,1],charsize=csz ENDCASE px = !x.window * !d.x_vsize ;Get size of window in device units py = !y.window * !d.y_vsize swx = px(1)-px(0) ;Size in x in device units swy = py(1)-py(0) ;Size in Y sz=size(bimg) six = float(sz(1)) ;Image sizes siy = float(sz(2)) if (!d.flags and 1) ne 0 then begin ;Scalable pixels tv,bimg,px(0),py(0),xsize=swx,ysize=swy,/device endif else begin ;Not scalable pixels bimgn = poly_2d((bimg),[[0,0],[six/swx,0]], $ [[0,siy/swy],[0,0]],interp,swx,swy) tv,bimgn,px(0),py(0) endelse if keyword_set(std) then begin xnon = REPLICATE(' ', 2) xtic=['0',xnon,'90',xnon,'180',xnon,'270',xnon,'360'] CASE 1 OF ;set window used by contour or plot sy eq 'lat': sc_annot,1,/lat sy eq 'sla': sc_annot,1 else: sc_annot,1,/norm ENDCASE endif END