; ; PURPOSE: Calculate harmonic coefficients gca & hca that are good for r >= Rcp ; INPUT: ga & ha obtained from running gh_mbrsc ; OUTPUT: gca & hca ; NOTE: gca & hca are in mT for calculating Br beyond Rcp ; WRITTEN: 05May1994 Xuepu Zhao ; MODIFIED: 13JAN2003 Xuepu Zhao ; MODIFIED: 08DEC2005 Xuepu Zhao ; pro pghfcsss_gaha,ga,ha,gca,hca,ghcf,NMAX=nmax,APAR=apar,RCP=rcp,RSS=rss,$ IPH=iph,JTH=jth if N_params() lt 1 then begin print,'pghfcsss,ga,ha,gca,hca,ghcf,nmax=,apar=,rcp=,rss=,iph=,jth=' print,'DEFAULT: nmax=15,apar=0.2,rcp=2.25,rss=15,iph=72,jth=30' return endif if not keyword_set(nmax) then nmax=15 if not keyword_set(apar) then apar=0.2 if not keyword_set(rcp) then rcp=2.25 if not keyword_set(rss) then rss=15.0 if not keyword_set(iph) then iph=72 if not keyword_set(jth) then jth=30 ; Calculation pzgrid,iph,jth,phd,thd,lad,cth,sth csmph,phd,nmax,cmph,smph pdp,cth,nmax,P,dP g=100*ga h=100*ha ; from Gauss to mT psb_hc,ga,ha,rcp,sth,cmph,smph,P,dP,brcp,btcp,bpcp ghv_csss,brcp,btcp,bpcp,sth,cmph,smph,P,dP,apar,rcp,rss,gca,hca,ghcf end