filename: credit.txt A software package for the computation of magnetic fields between 1 and 15 solar radii using the HCCSSS (or CSSS) model. Xuepu Zhao and J. Todd Hoeksema Solar Observatories Group Stanford University W. W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory 455 Via Palou, Stanford, CA 94305-4085 phone: 1-650-725-0474 fax : 1-650-725-2333 email: This software package is a collection of routines written in IDL (Interactive Data Language, Research Systems Inc.) which compute coronal and heliospheric magnetic fields. The package can handle the horizontal current-current sheet-source surface model computations. The package is still under testing and any comment and suggestion would be more than welcom. In case you want to use this package, you are requested to follow the conditions described below. (1) When you prepare a manuscript which includes computational results obtained by using this package, you are requested to refer to the following article: X. P. Zhao and J. T. Hoeksema, Prediction of the interplanetary magnetic field strength, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 19, 1995, X. P. Zhao, J. T. Hoeksema and N. R. Rich, Modeling the radial variation of coronal streamer belts during ascending activity phase, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 29, No. 3, p. 411, 2002, and the usage of the routines has to be acknowledged in the paper. (2) When your article is printed, you are requested to send its copy to us. (3) You can transfer this code to anyone working in the field of solar physics, with the condition that this credit notice is also transferred and is honored. (4) If you find bugs or points that might improve the routines, please send such report to us. end of credit.txt