I just finished the IDL version for MODULEs L6 and L7 for MDI. (see ~xuepu/JOB/job09/HMIMODULES/SynchFrame/SycF_sdatestime09.pro and all subroutines called by it). The version can be used to produce various products and the associated figures much better than what I sent you. The main input to the modules is date and time. There are several optional inputs, say, /left for updated synchronic frame or synchronic frame; /snog for snograss differential rotation formula or that from HMI data; xx1=,yy1= for various spatial resolutions; data=mdi or hmi. Attached figures are produced by the IDL version for Br synchronic and Br updated synchronic frames using the default xx1 and yy1, and MDI data. It is easy to extend the IDL version to HMI modules of L6, L7 and V12, V13, V14 by inputting data through calling seriesname and recordname. One thing to be determined is "spatial resolution". To my understanding, the Module(s) for temporal and spatial averages would produce remapped magnetograms with various candence and spatial resolutions (say, 1801x720, 181X90 corresponding to 3600x1440, 360X180 of synoptic maps). If it is the case, the recordname would include the information of spatial resolution. I also assume that L4 and L5 (V9, V10, V11) modules produce heliographic frames and synoptic maps with same spatial resolution. Another question to be fixed is also associated with the spatial resolution. I use comman "times" to obtain the time correspoding to a Carrington longitude. However, times cannot distingush fraction of degrees. For example, the time obtained by "times ct2000:150.1" and "times ct2000:150.9" are the same as "times ct2000:150". Todd will help to fix the problem in couple of days. So please first translate the IDL version to C version for MDI to see if it can be run in WiKi system and produce the attached figures?