IAU Symposium 223

Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity

St. Petersburg, Russia

   June 14 - 19, 2003


Last Name ....: 
First Names ..: 
Name for Badge: 
(if different from above)
Institution ..: 
Address ......: 
Phone ........: 
Include country code
Fax ..........: 
E-mail .......:  
Accompany persons: (registration fee $60 for each additional person):

  I will pay the registration fee, $190 ($220 after 1 April 2004), by: 
International money transfer to Alexander V. Stepanov, Account No 42301978307000001998, Bank for Foreign Trade - Vneshtorgbank, St.Petersburg Affiliate, 29, Bolshaya Morskaya St., St.Petersburg, 190000, Russia, SWIFT: VTBRRUM 2 SPE
check (through a U.S. bank) payable to E. Benevolenskaya (with note: IAUS223), mail to: Elena E. Benevolenskaya, 455 via Palou, HEPL, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
cash at the Symposium registration desk  
I need the Russian visa (and will send the required information to Dr Kirill Maslennikov, km@gao.spb.ru):   Yes   No 

Special needs (vegetarian or other special meals, etc.):

IAU 223 home page

If you find any problem with this form, please, send e-mail to EBenevolenskaya@solar.stanford.edu