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Recent/Forthcoming Publications/Presentations

2025 ∼
J* Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, and Kan Liou, "A magnetohydrodynamics simulation of coronal mass ejections in the upper corona at 2.5Rs ≤ r ≤ 19Rs", (2025) ApJ, vol.979, id.76, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ada282 ; link to ADS,
m* Keiji Hayashi, Alexander G. Kosovichev, and Chunlei Charles Liang, "Fully compressible hydrodynamics simulations of the solar convection zone with the CHORUS++ code", AGU fall meeting 2024 (#SH13A-2909) December 9 - 13, 2024 / Washington D.C.
m* Keiji Hayashi and Alexander G. Kosovichev, "Data-driven MHD simulations for flare-productive Active Regions 13363 and 13364 using photospheric vector magnetic field and plasma flow data from SDO/HMI observations", AGU fall meeting 2024 (#SH13B-2923) December 9 - 13, 2024 / Washington D.C.
m Satoshi Inoue, Takahiro Miyoshi, Keiji Hayashi, Huu Minh Triet Nguyen, Ju Jing, Wenda Cao, and Haimin Wang, "Data-driven and -constrained Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations for Explosive Solar Eruption Driven by Small-scale Emerging Flux", AGU fall meeting 2024 (#SH13B-2917) December 9 - 13, 2024 / Washington D.C.
M* Keiji Hayashi, Satoshi Inoue, and Nathaniel Kapleau, "The magnetic field in AR 13664 determined by two methods at NJIT", May 2024 Solar & Geospace Superstorm Workshop, October 28 - November 1, 2024 / Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Laurel MD ; meeting website
m* Keiji Hayashi, "MHD simulation model of the global solar corona using the HMI vector magnetic field synoptic map for the solar activity minimum and maximum periods", TESS 2024 (#105-001), 7 - 12 April 2024 / Dallas, TX ; meeting website
M* Keiji Hayashi, "Data-driven time-dependent three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations for the solar corona", Seventh Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems (NERCCS) 2024, 20 - 22 March 2024 / Potsdam, NY; meeting website
J Graham Barnes, Keiji Hayashi, and S. A. Gilchrist, "Are Electric-Field Driven Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of the Solar Corona Sensitive to the Initial Condition?", (2024) ApJ, vol.960, id.102, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad10a7 ; link to ADS
m Kan Liou, Chin-Chun Wu, and Keiji Hayashi, "Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of two halo coronal mass ejection events: A comparison of two magnetic flux rope models", AGU fall meeting (#SH21D-2901), 11 - 15 Dec. 2023 / San Fransisco, CA
m* Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, and Kan Liou, "MHD simulations of the CME near the Sun", Hinode-16 / IRIS-13 meeting (P-73) 25 - 29 September 2023 / Niigata, Japan; meeting website
m Chin-Chun Wu, Kan Liou, and Keiji Hayashi, "Generation of EIT waves by coronal mass ejections: Global magnetohydrodynamic simulation", Hinode-16 / IRIS-13 meeting (P-84), 25 - 29 September 2023 / Niigata, Japan
J* Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, and Kan Liou, "Boundary Treatment for the Subsonic/Alfvenic Inner Boundary at 2.5 Rs in a Time-Dependent 3D Magnetohydrodynamics Solar Wind Simulation Model", (2023) ApJS, vol.268, id.39, doi:10.3847/1538-4365/acecf7; link to ADS
m* Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, Kan Liou, and James Chen, "A simulation study of the propagation of the coronal disturbances in the upper solar corona and inner heliosphere", The 28th general assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (#IUGG23-2966), 11 - 20 July 2023 / Berlin, Germany; meeting website
m Chin-Chun Wu, Kan Liou, Brian E. Wood, and Keiji Hayashi, "Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the July 12, 2012 coronal mass ejection event: A model capability demonstration", Solar Wind 16, 12 - 16 June 2023 / Pacific Grove, CA; meeting website
M* Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, and Kan Liou, "A new time-dependent three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulation model for the trans-sonic/Alfvenic solar wind from 2.5Rs", EGU general assembly 2023 (#EGU23-9206), 24 - 28 April 2023 / Vienna, Austria; meeting website; doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-9206
m Chin-Chun Wu, Keiji Hayashi, and Kan Liou, "Evolution of a coronal mass ejection from 2.5 solar radii to the Earth and beyond", Space Weather workshop 2023, 17 - 21 April 2023 / Boulder, CO; meeting website
J Satoshi Inoue, Keiji Hayashi, and Takahiro Miyoshi, "An Evolution and Eruption of the Coronal Magnetic Field through a Data-Driven MHD Simulation", (2023) ApJ, vol.946, id.46, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac9eaa; link to ADS
J Satoshi Inoue, Keiji Hayashi, Takahiro Miyoshi, Ju Jing, Jeongwoo Lee, and Haimin Wang, "A Comparative Study of Solar Active Region 12371 with Data-constrained and Data-driven MHD Simulations", (2023) ApJL, vol.944, id.L44, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/acb7f4; link to ADS
m James Chen, Chin-Chun Wu, and Keiji Hayashi, "A New Method of Inferring Solar Wind Velocity Along CME Trajectories", AGU fall meeting 2022 (#SH55D-1541), 12 - 16 December 2022 / Chicago, IL
m Chin-Chun Wu, Kan Liou, Brian E. Wood, and Keiji Hayashi, "Global MHD modeling of solar wind structures using spherical AMR grids", AGU fall meeting 2022 (#SH52D-1486), 12 - 16 December 2022 / Chicago, IL
m Satoshi Inoue, Keiji Hayashi, Takahiro Miyoshi, Ju Jing, and Haimin Wang, "What is Required Toward Reliable Data-based Solar Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations?", AGU fall meeting 2022 (#SH52D-1485), 12 - 16 December 2022 / Chicago, IL
J* Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, and Kan Liou, "The nonpotentiality of steady-state coronal magnetic field derived with time-relaxation magnetohydrodynamics simulations using Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager three-component magnetic field data", (2022) ApJ, vol.940, id.82, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac9b25; link to ADS
M* Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, and Kan Liou, "The magnetic field structures of the global solar corona derived with a data-driven MHD simulation using time-series HMI vector-magnetic-field data", TESS, AAS/SPD and AGU/SPA joint meeting (#407.07), 8 - 11 August 2022 / Bellevue-Seattle, WA; meeting website
M* Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, and Kan Liou, "Evolution of a coronal mass ejection and its driven shock from the Sun to the Earth derived with three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation using CME initiation model", 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2022 (#D2.2-0019-22), 16 - 24 July 2022 / Athens, Greece; meeting website
m Kan Liou, Chin-Chun Wu, Brian Wood, Lynn Hutting, and Keiji Hayashi, "Effect of the heliospheric current sheet on solar energetic particle fluxes observed at 1 AU", 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2022 (#D1.6-0036-22), 16 - 24 July 2022 / Athens, Greece
w* Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, and Kan Liou, "Examining the boundary treatment of the data-driven/data-constraint MHD simulation model of the global corona", SHINE 2022 (#23), 27 June - 1 July 2022 / Honolulu, HI; meeting website, link to ADS
w Satoshi Inoue, Keiji Hayashi, and Takahiro Miyoshi, "What is a better way for data-based solar magnetohydrodynamics simulations?", SHINE 2022 (#51), 27 June - 1 July 2022 / Honolulu, HI; link to ADS
w Kan Liou, Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, Brian Wood, and James Chen "Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a flux-roped coronal mass ejection: A new model", SHINE 2022 (#127), 27 June - 1 July 2022 / Honolulu, HI; link to ADS
o* Keiji Hayashi, "A global coronal MHD simulation using the HMI vector-magnetic-field synoptic maps", HMI Science Nuggets, #180
M* Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, and Kan Liou, "Optimization of parameters of CME initiation in the MHD simulation suite", European Geosciences Union (EGU) general assembly 2022 (#EGU22-899), 23 - 27 May 2022 / Vienna, Austria; meeting website and abstract
J* Keiji Hayashi, Chin-Chun Wu, and Kan Liou, "An Electric-field-driven Global Coronal Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation Model Using Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager Vector-magnetic-field Synoptic Map Data", (2022) ApJ, vol.930, id.60, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac6173; link to ADS
2021 ∼
m* Keiji Hayashi, C.-C. Wu, and K. Liou, "A new inner heliospheric MHD model suite validated with the multiple CME events during 12-23 July 2012", AGU fall meeting 2021 (#SH35B-2046), 13 - 17 December 2021 / New Orleans, LA;
J* Keiji Hayashi, William P. Abbett, Mark C. M. Cheung, and George H. Fisher, "Coupling a Global Heliospheric Magnetohydrodynamic Model to a Magnetofrictional Model of the Low Corona", (2021) ApJS, vol.254, id.1, doi:10.3847/1538-4365/abe9b5; link to ADS
M Maria D. Kazachenko, J. Todd Hoeksema, William P. Abbett, David J. Bercik, Mark C. M. Cheung, Marc L. DeRosa, George H. Fisher, Keiji Hayashi, Yang Liu, Erkka Lumme, Benjamin J. Lynch, Xudong Sun, and Brian T. Welsch, "The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model: Using HMI Vector Magnetogram and Doppler Data to Determine Coronal Magnetic Field Evolution", 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly (#E2.3-0021-21), 28 January - 4 February 2021 / Sydney, Australia; meeting website
M Ming Xiong, Xueshang Feng, and Keiji Hayashi, "Numerical MHD tomography model of 3D solar wind flows constrained by interplanetary scintillation observations", 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly (#D2.4-0021-21), 28 January - 4 February 2021 / Sydney, Australia
J Jon T. Hoeksema, William P. Abbett, David Bercik, M. C. M. Cheung, Marc L. DeRosa, George H. Fisher, Keiji Hayashi, Maria D. Kazachenko, Yang Liu, Erkka Lumme, Benjamin J. Lynch, Xudong Sun, and Brian T. Welsch, "The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model: Using HMI Vector Magnetogram and Doppler Data to Determine Coronal Magnetic Field Evolution", (2020) ApJS, vol.250, id.28, doi:10.3847/1538-4365/abb3fb; link to ADS
M Junmo An, Tetsuya Magara, Keiji Hayashi, and Yong-Jae Moon, "CME Properties Related to the ICME Arrival Time and Solar Wind Profiles Observed at the Earth", AOGS 2020 (#ST34-A001), 28 June - 4 July 2020 / Hongcheon, S. Korea; meeting website (* This meeting was canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic)
J Shin Toriumi, Shinsuke Takasao, Mark C. M. Cheung, Chaowei Jiang, Yang Guo, Keiji Hayashi, and Satoshi Inoue, "Comparative Study of Data-driven Solar Coronal Field Models Using a Flux Emergence Simulation as a Ground-truth Data Set", (2020) ApJ, vol.890, id.103, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab6b1f; link to ADS
w* Keiji Hayashi, "MHD simulations of solar corona and active regions driven with solar-surface electric-field and plasma motions", PSTEP4 meeting , 28 - 30 January 2020 / Nagoya, Japan
m* Keiji Hayashi, C. N. Arge, G. Barnes, C. J. Henney, S. I. Jones, and K. D. Leka, "Improving boundary Br maps for global coronal magnetic field models", AGU fall meeting 2019 (#SH43E-3388), 9 - 13 December 2019 / San Francisco, CA
M Shin Toriumi, Shinsuke Takasao, Mark C. M. Cheung, Chaowei Jiang, Yang Guo, Keiji Hayashi, and Satoshi Inoue, "Comparative Study of Data-driven Coronal Field Models with a Ground-truth Flux Emergence Simulation", AGU fall meeting 2019 (#SH34B-04), 9 - 13 December 2019 / San Francisco, CA;
J Junmo An, Tetsuya Magara, Keiji Hayashi, and Yong-Jae Moon, "Parametric study of ICME properties related to space weather disturbances via a series of three-dimensional MHD simulations", (2019) Solar Physics, vol.294, id.143, doi:10.1007/s11207-019-1531-6; link to ADS
w* Keiji Hayashi, K. D. Leka and G. Barnes, "Effects of particular smoothing processes for global synoptic maps on PFSS solutions", SHINE 2019 (#161), 5 - 9 August 2019 / Boulder, CO; meeting website
m Yumi Bamba, Satoshi Inoue, and Keiji Hayashi, "The Role of a Tiny Brightening in a Huge Geo-effective Solar Eruption Leading to the St Patrick's Day Storm", Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) meeting 2019, 26 - 30 May 2019 / Chiba, Japan
o* Keiji Hayashi, "On Solar surface Electric field Estimation with 3 Poisson solvers (SEE3Po) for driving time-dependent MHD simulations of solar active regions", HMI Science Nuggets, #124
J Yumi Bamba, Satoshi Inoue, and Keiji Hayashi, "The Role of a Tiny Brightening for Huge Geo-effective Solar Eruption Leading to St Patrick's Day Storm", (2019) ApJ, vol.874, id.73, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab06ff; link to ADS
J* Keiji Hayashi, Xueshang Feng, Ming Xiong, and Chaowei Jiang, "MHD Simulations for Solar Active Regions using Time-Series Data of Surface Plasma Flow and Electric Field Inferred from HMI Vector Magnetic Field Measurements", (2019) ApJL, vol.871, id.L28, doi:10.3847/2041-8213/aaffcf; link to ADS
J Ming Xiong, Jackie A. Davies, Xueshang Feng, Bo Li, Liping Yang, Lidong Xia, Richard A. Harrison, Keiji Hayashi, Huichao Li, and Yufen Zhou, "Prospective White-Light Imaging and In-Situ Measurements of Quiescent Large-Scale Solar Wind Streams from Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter", (2018) ApJ, vol.868, id.137, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aae978; link to ADS
J* Keiji Hayashi, Xueshang Feng, Ming Xiong, and Chaowei Jiang, "An MHD Simulation of Solar Active Region 11158 Driven with Time-Dependent Electric Field Determined from HMI Vector Magnetic Field Measurement Data", (2018) ApJ, vol.855, id.11, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aaacd8; link to ADS (Erratum)
W* Keiji Hayashi, "MHD simulation models for solar corona and solar active regions using the photospheric magnetic field data", PSTEP (Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction) meeting , 26 - 27 February 2018 / Nagoya, Japan; meeting website
J Ming Xiong, Jackie A. Davies, Richard A. Harrison, Yufen Zhou, Xueshang Feng, Lidong Xia, Bo Li, Ying D. Liu, Keiji Hayashi, Huichao Li, and Liping Yang, "Prospective Out-Of-Ecliptic White-Light Imaging of Coronal Mass Ejections Traveling through the Corona and Heliosphere", (2018) ApJ, vol.852, id.111, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aaa028; link to ADS
m* Keiji Hayashi, "MHD simulation of solar active region driven by observation-inferred plasma motion and electric field", The 4th Asia-Pacific Solar Physics Meeting (APSPM), 07 - 10 November 2017 / Kyoto, Japan; meeting website
m Yumi Bamba, Satoshi Inoue, and Keiji Hayashi, "Triggering Scenario of Geo-effective Solar Eruption on 15 March 2015", The 142th Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Science (SGEPSS) fall meeting, 15 - 19 October 2017 / Kyoto, Japan; meeting website
m Yumi Bamba, Satoshi Inoue, and Keiji Hayashi, "Triggering Scenario of Geo-effective Solar Eruption on 15 March 2015", The 48th SPD meeting (#114.01), 21 - 25 August 2017 / Portland, OR
M Hsiu-Shan Yu, Bernard Jackson, Paul Hick, Andrew Buffington, Munetoshi Tokumaru, Nobuhiko Nishimura, Nishiki Nozaki, Ken'ichi Fujiki, and Keiji Hayashi, "Real-time Prediction of GSM Bz Fields at Earth using the CSSS Model and UCSD IPS Tomography", AOGS 2017 (#ST14-20-24-A021), 6 - 11 August 2017 / Singapore; meeting website
M* Keiji Hayashi, "Time-dependent trans-Alfvenic MHD model for solar coronal and solar wind using observation-based boundary Br maps and the projected normal characteristic method", The 4th international space weather conference (#SW21-01), 1 - 4 August 2017 / Beijing; meeting website
J Ming Xiong, Jackie A. Davies, Bo Li, Liping Yang, Ying D. Liu, Lidong Xia, Richard A. Harrison, Keiji Hayashi, and Huichao Li, "Prospective Out-of-ecliptic White-light Imaging of Interplanetary Corotating Interaction Regions at Solar Maximum", (2017) ApJ, vol.884, id.76, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aa7aaa; link to ADS
M* Keiji Hayashi, "On solar wind plasma properties derived through MHD-IPS analysis", The 1st China-Europe Solar Physics Meeting, 15 - 19 May 2017 / Kunming, Yunnan, China; meeting website
w* Keiji Hayashi, "On solar photospheric data prepossesses for better determining structures of solar corona and solar wind", the 2nd PSTEP International Symposium (PSTEP-2), 23 - 24 March 2017 / Kyoto, Japan; meeting website
W* Keiji Hayashi, "On observation/measurement-based realistic solar wind models: currently ongoing efforts, and challenges in near future", PSTEP meeting, 26 - 27 January 2017 / Nagoya, Japan
J M. Tokumaru, D. Satonaka, K. Fujiki, K. Hayashi, and K. Hakamada, "Relation between Coronal Hole Areas and the Solar Wind Speeds Derived from Interplanetary Scintillation Measurements", (2017) Solar Physics, vol.292, id.41, doi:10.1007/s11207-017-1066-7; link to ADS
J Yang Liu, J. Todd Hoeksema, Xudong Sun, and Keiji Hayashi, "Vector Magnetic Field Synoptic Charts from the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI)", (2017) Solar Physics, vol.292 ,id.29, doi:10.1007/s11207-017-1056-9; link to ADS
m* Keiji Hayashi, "Analysis on parameters representing magnetic topology of global solar corona derived through time-evolving boundary Br distribution", AGU fall meeting 2016 (#SH13C-2315), 12 - 16 December 2016 / San Francisco, CA
M Daikou Shiota, Tomoya Iju, Keiji Hayashi, Ken'ichi Fujiki, Munetoshi Tokumaru, and Kanya Kusano, "Deflection and distortion of CME internal magnetic flux rope due to the interaction with a structured solar wind", AGU fall meeting 2016 (#SH22B-03), 12 - 16 December 2016 / San Francisco, CA
J B. V. Jackson, H.-S. Yu, A. Buffington, P. P. Hick, N. Nishimura, N. Nozaki, M. Tokumaru, K. Fujiki, and K. Hayashi, "Exploration of SOLIS and GONG data sets using the UCSD ISEE IPS time-dependent tomography and the CSSS magnetic field model", (2016) Space Weather, vol.14, 1107, doi:10.1002/2016SW001481; link to ADS
m Daikou Shiota, Tomoya Iju, Keiji Hayashi, Ken'ichi Fujiki, Munetoshi Tokumaru, and Kanya Kusano, "Deflection and distortion of CME internal magnetic flux rope due to the interaction with a structured solar wind", The 140th Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Science (SGEPSS) fall meeting, 19 - 23 November 2016 / Fukuoka, Japan; meeting website
w* Keiji Hayashi, "On characteristic-decomposition tactics for sub-Alfvenic boundary treatments in MHD simulations", East-Asian Numerical Astrophysics Meeting (EANAM), 24 - 28 October 2016 / Beijing, China; meeting website
w J. Todd Hoeksema, Yang Liu, Xudong Sun, and Keiji Hayashi, "Vector Magnetic Field Synoptic Maps from HMI", SDO 2016: Unraveling the Sun's Complexity (#101), 17 - 21 October 2016 / Burlington, VT; meeting website
w D. Shiota, S. Inoue, K. Hayashi, K. Kusano, T. T. Yamamoto, S. Masuda, and S. Imada, "Development of Nonlinear Force-Free Field Extrapolation Analysis Environment on the basis of Hinode/SOT-SP and SDO/HMI", Hinode 10 (#Pb-20), 5 - 8, September 2016 / Nagoya, Japan; meeting website
w* Keiji Hayashi, "MHD simulation of solar corona and solar wind over solar cycles 21 to 24, using WSO, MDI and HMI", Observing the Sun, 26 - 28 August 2016 / Santa Cruz, CA; meeting website
J K. Fujiki, D. Satonaka, M. Tokumaru, and K. Hayashi, "Long-term trend of solar coronal hole distribution from 1975 to 2014", (2016) ApJL, vol.827, id.L41, doi:10.3847/2041-8205/827/2/L41; link to ADS
J* Keiji Hayashi, Munetoshi Tokumaru, and Ken'ichi Fujiki, "MHD-IPS analysis of relationship among solar-wind density, temperature, and flow speed", (2016) JGR, vol.121, 7367 - 7384, doi:10.1002/2016JA022750; link to ADS
M* Keiji Hayashi, "Evolution of helicity in the solar corona calculated from MHD simulation of time-evolving global solar corona", AOGS (#ST34-D1-AM1-306B-005), 31 July - 5 August 2016 / Beijing, China; meeting website
m Bernard Jackson, Hsiu-Shan Yu, Paul Hick, Andrew Buffington, Munetoshi Tokumaru, Nobuhiko Nishimura, Nishiki Nozaki, Ken'ichi Fujiki, Keiji Hayashi, Juan Americo Gonzalez Esparza, Mario Bisi, Jaehun Kim, and Sunhak Hong, "Exploration of Closed-component Magnetic Field Propagation Using the CSSS Model and UCSD Time-dependent Tomography", AOGS (#ST19-D2-PM2-P-014), 31 July - 5 August 2016 / Beijing, China
J* Keiji Hayashi, Shangbin Yang, and Yuanyong Deng, "Comparison of Potential Field Solutions for Carrington Rotation 2144", (2016) JGR, vol.121, 1046 - 1061, doi:10.1002/2015JA021757; link to ADS
w Bernard V. Jackson, Hsiu-Shan Yu, Andrew Buffington, P. Paul Hick, Nobuhiko Nishimura, Nishiki Nozaki, Munetoshi Tokumaru, Ken'ichi Fujiki, and Keiji Hayashi, "Exploration of SOLIS and GONG Data Sets Using the UCSD ISEE IPS Time-Dependent Tomography and the CSSS Magnetic Field Model", SHINE 2016 (#54), 10 - 15 July 2016 / Santa Fe, NM
J Satoshi Inoue, Keiji Hayashi, and Kanya Kusano, "Structure and Stability of Magnetic Fields in Solar Active Region 12192 Based on the Nonlinear Force-Free Field Modeling", (2016) ApJ, vol.818, id.168, doi:10.3847/0004-637X/818/2/168; link to ADS
M* Keiji Hayashi, Munetoshi Tokumaru, and Ken'ichi Fujiki, "IPS analysis on relationship among velocity, density and temperature of the solar wind", AGU fall meeting 2015 (#SH22B-03), 14 - 18 December 2015 / San Francisco, CA
m Xudong Sun, J. T. Hoeksema, Yang Liu, Aimee Norton, Alberto Sainz Dalda, and Keiji Hayashi, "SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Observations of the Solar Polar Region", AGU fall meeting 2015 (#SH23-2429), 14 - 18 December 2015 / San Francisco, CA
M* Keiji Hayashi, Munetoshi Tokumaru, and Ken'ichi Fujiki, "On optimized relation functions of solar wind plasma used in the IPS-MHD tomography and their long-term evolution", 2015 fall meeting of Astronomical Society of Japan (#M24a), 9 - 11 September 2015 / Kobe, Hyogo, Japan; meeting website
M Ken'ichi Fujiki, Munetoshi Tokumaru, Tomoya Iju, Haruichi Washimi, and Keiji Hayashi, "Investigations of Inner- and Outer-Heliosphere Using STEL-IPS", AOGS (#ST07-11-A016), 2 - 7 August 2015 / Singapore; meeting website
J George H. Fisher, William P. Abbett, David Bercik, Maria D. Kazachenko, Benjamin J. Lynch, Brian T. Welsch, J. Todd Hoeksema, Keiji Hayashi, Yang Liu, Aimee A. Norton, Alberto Dalda, Marc L. DeRosa, and Mark C. M. Cheung, "The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model (CGEM): Using HMI Vector Magnetogram and Doppler Data to Model the Buildup of Free Magnetic Energy in the Solar Corona", (2015) Space Weather, vol.13(6), 369, doi:10.1002/2015SW001191; link to ADS
M Jun-Mo An, Tetsuya Magara, Satoshi Inoue, Keiji Hayashi, and Takashi Tanaka, "Global MHD modeling of an ICME focused on the physics involved in an ICME interacting with a solar wind", Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS), joint AAS/AGU meeting (#310.04), 26 April - 1 May 2015 / Indianapolis, IN
J* Keiji Hayashi, J. T. Hoeksema, Yang Liu, Xudong Sun, Monica G. Bobra, and Aimee A. Norton, "The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Vector Magnetic Field Pipeline: Magnetohydrodynamics simulation module for the global solar corona", (2015) Solar Physics, vol.290(5), 1507, doi:10.1007/s11207-015-0686-z; link to ADS
J S. Inoue, K. Hayashi, T. Magara, G. S. Choe, and Y. D. Park, "Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of the X2.2 solar flare on 2011 February 15: II. A dynamics connecting the solar flare", (2015) ApJ, vol.803, id.73, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/803/2/73; link to ADS
m* Keiji Hayashi, "An MHD Simulation of AR11944 Using HMI Magnetic Field Data", AGU fall meeting 2014 (#SH53A-4195), 15 - 19 December 2014 / San Francisco, CA
M* Keiji Hayashi, Shangbin Yang, and Yuanyong Deng, "Solar coronal structure in late 2013 obtained with the time-relaxation MHD simulation and potential field model", SCOSTEP's 13th Quadrennial Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics (STP13) (#94), 12 - 18 October 2014 / Xi'an, China; meeting website
J Shin Toriumi, Keiji Hayashi, and Takaaki Yokoyama, "Statistical Analysis of the Horizontal Divergent Flow in Emerging Solar Active Regions", (2014) ApJ, vol.794, id.19, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/794/1/19; link to ADS
M Satoshi Inoue, Keiji Hayashi, and Gwangson Choe, "Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the X2.2 Solar Flare on February 15 2011", 14th European Solar Physics Meeting, 8 - 12 September 2014 / Dublin, Ireland; meeting website
J J. Todd Hoeksema, Yang Liu, Keiji Hayashi, Xudong Sun, Jesper Schou, Sebastien Couvidat, Aimee Norton, Monica Bobra, Rebecca Centeno, K. D. Leka, Graham Barnes, and Mike Turmon, "The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Vector Magnetic Field Pipeline: Overview and Performance", (2014) Solar Physics, vol.289(9), 3483 - 3530, doi:10.1007/s11207-014-0516-8; link to ADS
J R. Centeno, J. Schou, K. Hayashi, A. Norton, J. T. Hoeksema, Y. Liu, K. D. Leka, and G. Barnes, "The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Vector Magnetic Field Pipeline: Optimization of the Spectral Line Inversion Code for the Pipeline", (2014) Solar Physics, vol.289(9), 3531 - 3547, doi:10.1007/s11207-014-0497-7; link to ADS
J M. G. Bobra, X. Sun, J. T. Hoeksema, M. Turmon, Y. Liu, K. Hayashi, G. Barnes, and K. D. Leka, "The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Vector Magnetic Field Pipeline: SHARPs ---- Space-weather HMI Active Region", (2014) Solar Physics, vol.289(9), 3549 - 3578, doi:10.1007/s11207-014-0529-3; link to ADS
W* Keiji Hayashi, Shangbin Yang, and Yuanyong Deng, "Solar coronal structures obtained with time-relaxation MHD simulation", 12th Sino-Russia Workshop of Space Weather, 25 - 29 August 2014 / Zhengxiangbaiqi, Inner Mongolia, China; meeting website
M Satoshi Inoue, Keiji Hayashi, and Gwangson Choe, "Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of the Solar Flare Based on the Photospheric Magnetic Field", 12th Asia-Pacific Regional IAU meeting (APRIM), 18 - 22 August 2014 / Daejeon, Korea; meeting website
M Munetoshi Tokumaru, Ken'ichi Fujiki, Tomoya Iju, K. Hayashi, H. Washimi, and B. V. Jackson, "3D Reconstruction of the Heliosphere Using Interplanetary Scintillation Observations", AOGS (#ST23-D2-AM1-EA-004), 28 July - 1 August 2014 / Sapporo, Japan; meeting website
m Ken'ichi Fujiki, H. Washimi, K. Hayashi, G. Zank, M. Tokumaru, T. Tanaka, V. Florinski, and Y. Kubo, "Velocity Oscillation of Solar Wind in Outer Heliosphere Reconstructed by the Realistic 3D MHD Simulation", AOGS (#ST33-D2-PM2-P-014), 28 July - 1 August 2014 / Sapporo, Japan
M Jun-Mo An, S. Inoue, T. Magara, H. Lee, J. Kang, K.-S. Kim, K. Hayashi, T. Tanaka, M. Den, and Y. Kubo, "Three-dimensional MHD modeling on propagation of coronal mass ejections with background solar wind driven by observational data", Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 11th Annual Meeting (AOGS) (#ST29-D2-AM2-EA-002), 28 July - 1 August 2014 / Sapporo, Japan
W Satoshi Inoue, Keiji Hayashi, and Gwangson Choe, "MHD Modeling of the X2.2 Solar Flare on 2011 February 15", Solar and Stellar Flares, 23 - 27 June 2014 / Prague, Czech; meeting website
P Tae K. Kim, Nikolai V. Pogorelov, Sergey N. Borovikov, Keiji Hayashi, Bernard V. Jackson, Munetoshi Tokumaru, and Hsiu-Shan Yu, "Modeling the global heliosphere using IPS-driven time-dependent boundary conditions", (2014) Proceedings of 12th AIAC: Outstanding Problems in Heliophysics. From Coronal Heating to the Edge of the Heliosphere (held in Myrtle Beach, SC, on 15 - 19 April 2013; edited by Qiang Hu and Gary P. Zank), ASP conference series, vol.484, 91; link to ADS
J S. Inoue, K. Hayashi, T. Magara, G. S. Choe, and Y. D. Park, "Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of the X2.2 Solar Flare on 2011 February 15: I. Comparing with the Observations", (2014) ApJ, vol.788(2), id.182, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/788/2/182; link to ADS
M Junmo An, Satoshi Inoue, Tetsuya Magara, Hwanhee Lee, Jihye Kang, Kap-Sung Kim, Keiji Hayashi, and Takashi Tanaka, "Three-dimensional MHD modeling of a CME propagation through a solar wind", the Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society, vol.39(1), p70.2
J Ken'ichi Fujiki, Haruichi Washimi, Keiji Hayashi, Gary P. Zank, Munetoshi Tokumaru, Takashi Tanaka, Vladimir Florinski, and Yuki Kubo, "MHD Analysis of the Velocity Oscillations in the Outer Heliosphere", (2014) GRL, vol.41(5), L1420 - 1424, doi:10.1002/2014GL059391; link to ADS
J Y. Liu, J. T. Hoeksema, M. Bobra, K. Hayashi, P. W. Schuck, and X. Sun, "Magnetic Helicity in Emerging Solar Active Regions", (2014) ApJ, vol.785(1), id.13, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/785/1/13; link to ADS
W* K. Hayashi, M. Tokumaru, and H. Washimi, "Optimizing functions of density and temperature in MHD-IPS tomography", Huntsville workshop 2014 --- Solar and Stellar Processes from the Chromosphere to the Outer Corona, 23 - 27 March 2014 / Orlando, FL; meeting website
P S. P. Rajaguru, X. Sun, K. Hayashi, and S. Couvidat, "Reflection and refraction of (magneto-)acoustic waves at the magnetic canopy: further evidences from multi-height seismic data", (2013) Proceedings of NSO Workshop #27: Fifty Years of Seismology of the Sun and Stars (held in Tucson, AZ, on 6 - 10 May 2013; edited by K. Jain, S. C. Tripathy, F. Hill, J. W. Leibacher, and A. A. Pevtsov.), ASP conference series, vol.478, 345 - 348; link to ADS
M Aimee A. Norton, J. T. Hoeksema, Keiji Hayashi, Yang Liu, Xudong Sun, Bruce H. McClintock, Eric Jones, and William M. Arden, "North-South Asymmetries: the Solar Dynamo and Hemispheric Coupling", AGU fall meeting 2013 (#SH33E-07), 9 - 13 December 2013 / San Francisco, CA
m Xudong Sun, J. T. Hoeksema, Yang Liu, Keiji Hayashi, Alberto Sainz Dalda, and Aimee A. Norton, "The Polar Field Reversal of Solar Cycle 24 Observed by SDO/HMI", AGU fall meeting 2013 (#SH41A-2175), 9 - 13 December 2013 / San Francisco, CA
m Junmo An, Satoshi Inoue, Tetsuya Magara, Hwanhee Lee, Jihye Kang, Keiji Hayashi, Takashi Tanaka, and Mitsue Den, "Three-dimensional global MHD modeling of a coronal mass ejection interacting with the solar wind", AGU fall meeting 2013 (#SH53A-2140), 9 - 13 December 2013 / San Francisco, CA
J* Keiji Hayashi, "An MHD Simulation Model of Time-Dependent Global Solar Corona with Temporally Varying Solar Surface Magnetic Field Maps", (2013) JGR, vol.118(11), 6889 - 6906, doi:10.1029/2013JA018991; link to ADS
J S. Paul Rajaguru, Sebastien Couvidat, Xudong Sun, Keiji Hayashi, and Hannah Schunker, "Properties of high-frequency wave power halos around active regions: an analysis of multi-height data from HMI and AIA onboard SDO", (2013) Solar Physics, vol.287(1-2), 107 - 127, doi:10.1007/s11207-012-0180-9; link to ADS
PM Aimee A. Norton, Eric H. Jones, Yang Liu, Keiji Hayashi, J. T. Hoeksema, and Jesper Schou, "How much more can sunspots tell us about the solar dynamo?", (2013) Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union: Solar and Astrophysical Dynamos and Magnetic Activity, IAU Symposium, vol.294, 25 - 36, doi:10.1017/S1743921313002172; link to ADS
M* Keiji Hayashi, Jon T. Hoeksema, Yang Liu, Xudong Sun, Monica Bobra, and Aimee A. Norton, "A data-driven time-dependent three-dimensional MHD simulation of solar active regions with HMI vector magnetic field data", The 44th meeting of SPD (#302.04), 8 - 12 July 2013 / Bozeman, MT (abstract)
P* Keiji Hayashi, J. T. Hoeksema, Y. Liu, A. Norton, X. Sun, R. Centeno, G. Barnes, and K. D. Leka, "Making global map of the solar surface Br from the HMI vector magnetic field observations", (2013) Proceedings of GONG2012/LWS/SDO5/SOHO27, Eclipse on the Coral See: Cycle 24 Ascending (held in Palm Cove, Australia on 12 - 16 November 2012; edited by P. Cally, R. Erdelyi, and A. Norton), Journal of Physics Conference Series, vol.440, 012036, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/440/1/012036; link to ADS
J Satoshi Inoue, Keiji Hayashi, Daikou Shiota, Tetsuya Magara, and Gwangson Choe, "Magnetic Structure Producing X- and M-Class Solar Flares in Solar Active Region 11158", (2013) ApJ, vol.770(1), id.79, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/770/1/79; link to ADS
W S. P. Rajaguru, X. Sun, K. Hayashi, and S. Couvidat, "Reflection and refraction of (magneto-)acoustic waves at the magnetic canopy: further evidences from multi-height seismic data", NSO Workshop #27: 50 years of helioseismology of the Sun and Stars, 6 - 10 May 2013 / Tuscon, AZ
w* Keiji Hayashi and HMI vector magnetic field team, "A data-driven MHD simulation of solar active regions with HMI data", LWS/SDO workshop 2013, 3 - 8 March 2013 / Cambridge, MD
W Yang Liu, J. T. Hoeksema, M. Bobra, K. Hayashi, P. W. Schuck, and X. Sun, "Magnetic Helicity in Emerging Solar Active Regions: A Statistical Study", LWS/SDO workshop 2013, 3 - 8 March 2013 / Cambridge, MD
w B. Fleck, R. Centeno, M. Cheung, S. Couvidat, K. Hayashi, R. Rezaei, O. Steiner, and T. Straus, "On the Effects of the SDO Orbital Motion on the HMI Vector Magnetic Field Measurements", LWS/SDO workshop 2013, 3 - 8 March 2013 / Cambridge, MD
m* Keiji Hayashi, A. A. Norton, Y. Liu, X. Sun, and J. T. Hoeksema, "Motion of magnetic elements at the solar equator observed by SDO/HMI", AGU fall meeting 2012 (#SH41D-2129), 3 - 7 December 2012 / San Francisco, CA
m Tae K. Kim, Keiji Hayashi, Munetoshi Tokumaru, Nikolai V. Pogorelov, and Sergey N. Borovikov, "Modeling the SW-LISM Interaction using the MHD-IPS Tomography", AGU fall meeting 2012 (#SH11A-2185), 3 - 7 December 2012 / San Francisco, CA
m Xudong Sun, J. T. Hoeksema, Y. Liu, A. Sainz-Dalda, A. Norton, and K. Hayashi, "The Dynamic Polar Magnetic Field Before Its Polarity Reversal", AGU fall meeting 2012 (#SH41D-2130), 3 - 7 December 2012 / San Francisco, CA
M Yang Liu, K. Hayashi, J. T. Hoeksema, A. A. Norton, Peter W. Schuck, and X. Sun, "Magnetic Helicity in Emerging Active Regions: A Statistical Study", AGU fall meeting 2012 (#SH53B-03), 3 - 7 December 2012 / San Francisco, CA
w* Keiji Hayashi, J. T. Hoeksema, Y. Liu, A. Norton, X. Sun, R. Centeno, G. Barnes, and K. D. Leka, "Making global map of the solar surface Br from the HMI vector magnetic field observations", GONG2012/LWS-SDO5/SOHO27 (#80), 12 - 16 November 2012 / Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia; meeting website (abstract)
w Bernhard Fleck, K. Hayashi, Reza Rezaei, Nikola Vitas, Rebecca Centeno, Mark C. M. Cheung, Sebastien Couvidat, Catherine Fischer, Oskar Steiner, Thomas Straus, and Bartolomeo Viticchie, "On the Effects of the SDO Orbital Motion on the HMI Vector Magnetic Field Measurements", GONG2012/LWS-SDO5/SOHO27 (#153), 12 - 16 November 2012 / Palm Cove, Queensland, Australia
J X. Sun, J. T. Hoeksema, Y. Liu, Q. Chen, and K. Hayashi, "A Non-radial Eruption in Quadrupolar Magnetic Configuration with Coronal Null", (2012) ApJ, vol.757(2), id.149, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/757/2/149; link to ADS
J* Keiji Hayashi, "An MHD simulation model of time-dependent co-rotating solar wind", (2012) JGR, vol.117(A8), A08105, doi:10.1029/2011JA017490; link to ADS
w Shin Toriumi, K. Hayashi, and T. Yokoyama, "Observation of the Horizontal Divergent Flow as a Precursor of Solar Flux Emergence", Hinode 6 meeting, 14 - 17 August 2012 / St. Andrews, U.K.
P Tae K. Kim, N. V. Pogorelov, S. N. Borovikov, and K. Hayashi, "Numerical Modeling of Solar Wind Flow Using Interplanetary Scintillation Data as Boundary Conditions", (2012) Proceedings of Astronum 2011 (held in Valencia, Spain, on 13 - 17 June 2011; edited by N. V. Pogorelov, J. A. Font, E. Audit, and G. P. Zank), ASP conference series, vol.459, 209 - 215; link to ADS
P* Keiji Hayashi, H. Washimi, and M. Tokumaru, "The MHD simulation of the inner heliosphere over 9 years using the observation-based time-varying boundary data", (2012) Proceedings of 10th Annual International Astrophysics Conference (held in Maui, HI on 13 - 18 March 2011; edited by G. Li, N. Pogorelov, and G. P. Zank), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.1436, 308 - 313, doi:10.1063/1.4723624; link to ADS
P Haruichi Washimi, K. Hayashi, M. Tokumaru, G. P. Zank, Q. Hu, T. Tanaka, V. Florinski, J. Adams, and Y. Kubo, "A Preliminary Analysis of Dynamic and Realistic Heliosphere Using Interplanetary Scintillation and Photospheric Magnetic Data", (2012) Proceedings of 10th Annual International Astrophysics Conference (held in Maui, HI on 13 - 18 March 2011; edited by G. Li, N. Pogorelov, and G. P. Zank), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.1436, 350 - 355, doi:10.1063/1.4723630; link to ADS
J Y. Liu, J. T. Hoeksema, P. H. Scherrer, J. Schou, S. Couvidat, R. I. Bush, T. L. Duvall, K. Hayashi, X. Sun, and X. Zhao, "Comparison of Line-of-Sight Magnetograms Taken by the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Michelson Doppler Imager", (2012) Solar Physics, vol.279(1), 295 - 316, doi:10.1007/s11207-012-9976-x; link to ADS
w Yang Liu, Chenglong Shen, Keiji Hayashi, J. T. Hoeksema, A. A. Norton, and X. Sun, "On Relationship Between CMEs' Speed and Magnetic Field Structure in the Corona and Inner Heliosphere", Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE) 2012 (#79), 25 - 29 June 2012 / Maui, Hawaii
m* Keiji Hayashi, Yang Liu, Xudong Sun, Michael J. Turmon, and HMI vector magnetic field team, "Making the daily-updated synoptic map of HMI line-of-sight magnetogram cooperating with the HARP", SPD 43rd / AAS 220th meeting 2012 (#207.16), 10 - 14 June 2012 / Anchorage, AK; BAAS vol.44 (abstract)
m* Keiji Hayashi and HMI vector magnetic field team, "Daily Coronal MHD Simulation Using HMI Near-Real-Time Magnetograms", SPD 43rd / AAS 220th meeting 2012 (#521.21), 10 - 14 June 2012 / Anchorage, AK; BAAS vol.44 (abstract)
m Bernhard Fleck, K. Hayashi, R. Rezaei, N. Vitas, R. Centeno, M. C. M. Cheung, S. Couvidat, C. Fischer, O. Steiner, T. Straus, and B. Viticchie, "On The Magnetic-Field Diagnostics Potential of SDO/HMI", SPD 43rd / AAS 220th meeting 2012 (#207.01), 10 - 14 June 2012 / Anchorage, AK; BAAS vol.44
M Xudong Sun, T. Hoeksema, Y. Liu, X. P. Zhao, and K. Hayashi, "A Portrait of the Magnetic Sun: Observation and Modeling at Global and Active Region Scales", SPD 43rd / AAS 220th meeting 2012 (#322.06), 10 - 14 June 2012 / Anchorage, AK; BAAS vol.44
m Shin Toriumi, K. Hayashi, and T. Yokoyama, "Detection of the Horizontal Divergent Flow (HDF) as a Precursor of Sunspot Emergence ", SPD 43rd / AAS 220th meeting 2012 (#512.03), 10 - 14 June 2012 / Anchorage, AK; BAAS vol.44
J Shin Toriumi, Keiji Hayashi, and Takaaki Yokoyama, "Detection of the Horizontal Divergent Flow prior to the Solar Flux Emergence", (2012) ApJ, vol.751(2), id.154, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/751/2/154; link to ADS
J Xudong Sun, J. Todd Hoeksema, Yang Liu, Thomas Wiegelmann, Keiji Hayashi, Qingrong Chen, and Julia Thalmann, "Evolution of Magnetic Field and Energy in A Major Eruptive Active Region Based on SDO/HMI Observation", (2012) ApJ, vol.748(2), id.77, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/748/2/77; link to ADS (Erratum)
P Yang Liu, P. H. Scherrer, J. T. Hoeksema, J. Schou, T. Bai, J. G. Beck, M. Bobra, R. S. Bogart, R. S., R. I. Bush, S. Couvidat, K. Hayashi, A. G. Kosovichev, T. P. Larson, C. Rabello-Soares, X. Sun, R. Wachter, J. Zhao, X. P. Zhao, T. L. Duvall Jr., M. L. DeRosa, C. J. Schrijver, A. M. Title, R. Centeno, S. Tomczyk, J. M. Borrero, A. A. Norton, G. Barnes, A. D. Crouch, K. D. Leka, W. P. Abbett, G. H. Fisher, B. T. Welsch, K. Muglach, P. W. Schuck, T. Wiegelmann, M. Turmon, J. A. Linker, Z. Mikic, P. Riley, and S. T. Wu, "A First Look at Magnetic Field Data Products from SDO/HMI", (2012) Proceedings of 4th Hinode Science Meeting (held in Palermo, Italy on 11 - 15 October 2010; edited by R. Rubio, F. Reale, and M. Carlsson), ASP conference series, vol.455, 337; link to ADS
w* Keiji Hayashi, J. Todd Hoeksema, Y. Liu, X. Sun, R. Centeno, K. D. Leka, and G. Barnes, "The synoptic maps of Br from HMI observations", LWS/SDO-4/IRIS/Hinode workshop, 12 - 16 March 2012 / Monterey, CA; meeting website
w Bernhard Fleck, K. Hayashi, R. Rezaei, N. Vitas, R. Centeno, M. C. M. Cheung, S. Couvidat, C. Fischer, O. Steiner, T. Straus, and B. Viticchie, "On the Magnetic-Field Diagnostics Potential of SDO/HMI", LWS/SDO-4/IRIS/Hinode workshop, 12 - 16 March 2012 / Monterey, CA
w Xudong Sun, J. Todd Hoeksema, Y. Liu, and K. Hayashi, "Recurrent Eruptions in a Quadrupolar Magnetic Configuration Observed by SDO", LWS/SDO-4/IRIS/Hinode workshop, 12 - 16 March 2012 / Monterey, CA
M* Keiji Hayashi and HMI vector magnetic field team, "HMI/SDO results with the vector magnetic field data" (invited), AGU fall meeting 2011 (#SH33C-03), 5 - 9 December 2011 / San Francisco, CA
m Rebecca Centeno, Graham Barnes, Juan Borrero, Sebastien P. Couvidat, Keiji Hayashi, J. T. Hoeksema, K. D. Leka, Yang Liu, Jesper Schou, Peter W. Schuck, Xudong Sun, and Steven Tomczyk, "HMI vector magnetic field products: the long-awaited release has come! Now what?", AGU fall meeting 2011 (#SH31A-1985), 5 - 9 December 2011 / San Francisco, CA
m Xudong Sun, J. T. Hoeksema, Yang Liu, Thomas Wiegelmann, and Keiji Hayashi, "Evolution of Magnetic Field in the Flaring Active Region AR 11158 Based on SDO/HMI Observation", AGU fall meeting 2011 (#SH31A-1993), 5 - 9 December 2011 / San Francisco, CA
m Alexander Kosovichev, P. Desai, and K. Hayashi, "Amazing M9-flare: sunquakes, white light emission and magnetic restructuring", AGU fall meeting 2011 (#SH33A-2042), 5 - 9 December 2011 / San Francisco, CA
m Tae K. Kim, Sergey N. Borovikov, Keiji Hayashi, and Nikolai V. Pogorelov, "Numerical Modeling of the Heliosphere Using Interplanetary Scintillation Data as Boundary Conditions", AGU fall meeting 2011 (#SH11B-1918), 5 - 9 December 2011 / San Francisco, CA
M Haruichi Washimi, Keiji Hayashi, Munetoshi Tokumaru, Gary P. Zank, Qiang Hu, Takashi Tanaka, Vladimir A. Florinski, James H. Adams, and Yuki Kubo, "A dynamic and realistic heliospheric modeling using interplanetary scintillation and photospheric magnetic data" (invited), AGU fall meeting 2011 (#SH43D-04), 5 - 9 December 2011 / San Francisco, CA
w* Keiji Hayashi, Yang Liu, Xudong Sun, J. Todd Hoeksema, Rebecca Centeno-Elliott, Graham Barnes, and K. D. Leka, "The synoptic maps of Br from HMI observations: better input for the global coronal models", LWS/SDO-3/SOHO-26/GONG-2011 workshop (poster, #27), 31 October - 4 November 2011 / Stanford, CA; meeting website
w Bernhard Fleck, K. Hayashi, R. Rezaei, N. Vitas, R. Centeno, S. Couvidat, C. Fischer, O. Steiner, T. Straus, and B. Viticchie, "On the Magnetic-Field Diagnostics Potential of SDO/HMI", LWS/SDO-3/SOHO-26/GONG-2011 workshop, 31 October - 4 November 2011 / Stanford, CA
w Alexander Kosovichev, Priya Desai, and Keiji Hayashi, "Strong photospheric impact of M-class flare: helioseismic response, white light emission and magnetic restructuring", LWS/SDO-3/SOHO-26/GONG-2011 workshop, 31 October - 4 November 2011 / Stanford, CA
W Xudong Sun, J. Todd Hoeksema, Yang Liu, Thomas Wiegelmann, Keiji Hayashi, Qingrong Chen, and Julia Thalmann, "Evolution of Magnetic Field and Energy in A Major Eruptive Active Region Based on SDO/HMI Observation", LWS/SDO-3/SOHO-26/GONG-2011 workshop, 31 October - 4 November 2011 / Stanford, CA
P* Keiji Hayashi, M. Tokumaru, K. Fujiki, and M. Kojima, "Three-Dimensional Solar Wind Structures Obtained with MHD Simulation Model Using Observation-Based Time-Varying Inner Boundary Map", (2011) Proceedings of Astronum 2010 (held in San Diego, CA on 13 - 18 June 2010; edited by N. Pogorelov, E. Audit, and G. P. Zank), ASP conference series, vol.444, 111 - 116; link to ADS
W Xudong Sun, J. T. Hoeksema, Y. Liu, T. Wiegelmann, and K. Hayashi, "Magnetic Field Topology and Energetics in the Flaring Active Region 11158", Stereo-4/SDO-2/SOHO-25 Workshop, 25 - 29 July 2011 / Kiel, Germany
m* Keiji Hayashi, X. Zhao, Y. Liu, X. Sun, J. T. Hoeksema, and HMI vector magnetic field team, "MHD simulation of the solar corona in early August 2010 using the HMI magnetic field data", AAS/42nd SPD meeting, 2011 (#21.20), 12 - 16 June 2011 / Las Cruces, NM; BAAS vol.43
m Xudong Sun, J. T. Hoeksema, Y. Liu, T. Wiegelmann, and K. Hayashi, "Evolution of magnetic field in the flaring active region 11158 observed by SDO/HMI", AAS/42nd SPD meeting, 2011 (#21.01), 12 - 16 June 2011 / Las Cruces, NM; BAAS vol.43
m Yang Liu, J. T. Hoeksema, K. Hayashi, X. Sun, P. Schuck, and K. Muglach, "Studying solar active regions with HMI data", AAS/42nd SPD meeting, 2011 (#21.02), 12 - 16 June 2011 / Las Cruces, NM; BAAS vol.43
P R. Centeno, S. Tomczyk, J. M. Borrero, S. Couvidat, K. Hayashi, J. T. Hoeksema, Y. Liu, and J. Schou, "HMI: First results", (2011) Proceedings of the Solar Polarization Workshop 6 (held in Maui, HI on May 30 - June 4 2010; edited by J. R. Kuhn, D. M. Harrington, H. Lin, S. V. Berdyugina, J. Trujillo-Bueno, S. L. Keil, and T. Rimmele), Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) conference series, vol.437, 147 - 156, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco; link to ADS
w* K. Hayashi, X. P. Zhao, Y. Liu, J. T. Hoeksema, and X. Sun, "MHD simulation of the solar corona in early August using the HMI magnetic field data", LWS/SDO-1 Workshop, 1 - 5 May 2011 / Squaw Valley, CA; meeting website
w Y. Liu, J. T. Hoeksema, K. Hayashi, X. Sun, Peter W. Schuck, and Karin Muglach, "Studying solar active regions with HMI data", LWS/SDO-1 Workshop, 1 - 5 May 2011 / Squaw Valley, CA
W R. Centeno, S. Tomczyk, G. Barnes, J. Borrero, S. Couvidat, K. Hayashi, T. Hoeksema, K. D. Leka, Y. Liu, J. Schou, P. Schuck, and X. Sun, "HMI vector field results ---- and why a year down the line we have not made the data available for science analysis", LWS/SDO-1 Workshop, 1 - 5 May 2011 / Squaw Valley, CA
W Xudong Sun, J. Todd Hoeksema, Yang Liu, Thomas Wiegelmann, and Keiji Hayashi, "Evolution of Magnetic Field in the Flaring Active Region 11158 Observed by SDO/HMI", LWS/SDO-1 Workshop, 1 - 5 May 2011 / Squaw Valley, CA
J X. Sun, Y. Liu, J. T. Hoeksema, K. Hayashi, and X. P. Zhao, "A New Method for Polar Field Interpolation", (2011) Solar Physics, vol.270-1, 9 - 22, doi:10.1007/s11207-011-9751-4; link to ADS
W* K. Hayashi, H. Washimi, and M. Tokumaru, "An MHD Simulation Model of the Inner Heliosphere over 9 Years using the Observation-based Time-varying Boundary Data", 10th Annual International Astrophysics Conference (AIAC), 13 - 18 March 2011 / Maui, HI; meeting website
W H. Washimi, G. P. Zank, Q. Hu, K. Hayashi, and Y. Kubo, "MHD Analysis of Dynamic and Realistic Heliosphere using Voyager 2 and Interplanetary Scintillation Data", 10th Annual International Astrophysics Conference (AIAC), 13 - 18 March 2011 / Maui, HI
m* K. Hayashi and HMI vector magnetic field team, "MHD simulation of the evolution of the solar corona around August 1st 2010 using the HMI solar magnetic field data", AGU fall meeting 2010 (#SH11A-1618), 13 - 17 December 2010 / San Francisco, CA
m X. Sun, J. T. Hoeksema, T. Wiegelmann, K. Hayashi, and Y. Liu, "First Result of Field Extrapolation Based on HMI Vector Magnetic Data", AGU fall meeting 2010 (#SH11A-1607), 13 - 17 December 2010 / San Francisco, CA
w* K. Hayashi, "A three-dimensional MHD simulation of the solar wind in the heliosphere with time-varying observation-based inner-heliospheric boundary data", ACCEHS (Advanced Computational Capabilities for Exploration in Heliophysical Science) meeting, 16 - 18 August 2010 / Boulder, CO; meeting website
W* K. Hayashi, "The three-dimensional MHD simulation model of the solar wind in the heliosphere with the boundary treatments for time-varying observation-based boundary data", Astronum 2010 (5th international conference on numerical modeling of space plasma flows), 13 - 18 June 2010 / San Diego, CA; meeting website
m* Keiji Hayashi and HMI vector magnetic field team, "The Magnetic Field of the Quiet Sun Regions From HMI, for Better Input to the Global Models", 216th AAS meeting (#402.16), 23 - 27 May 2010 / Miami, FL; BAAS vol.42 p.875
w* K. Hayashi and HMI vector magnetic field team at Stanford university, HAO, NWRA/CoRA, Predictive Science Inc.(PSI), U. C. Berkeley, and U. A. Huntsville, "Model products in HMI magnetic pipeline (II)", The SDO science working group meeting, 6 February 2010 / Titusville, FL
m* Keiji Hayashi, "MHD simulations of the solar corona and solar wind with the observation-based time-varying boundary maps of Br and other variables", AGU fall meeting 2009 (#SH21A-1492), 14 - 18 December 2009 / San Francisco, CA
W* Keiji Hayashi and HMI vector magnetic field team, "MHD model in HMI pipeline", SDO HMI/AIA Science Team Meeting, 8 - 11 September 2009 / Stanford, CA; meeting website
m* Keiji Hayashi, "MHD Simulation of the Solar Corona Driven by the Time-Varying Solar-Surface Boundary Magnetic Field Based on The SOHO/MDI Measurement Data", AAS / 40th SPD meeting (#16.06), 14 - 18 June 2009 / Boulder, CO; BAAS vol.41 p.840
J M. Tokumaru, M. Kojima, K. Fujiki, and K. Hayashi, "Non-dipolar solar wind structure observed in the cycle 23/24 minimum", (2009) GRL, vol.36(9), L09101, doi:10.1029/2009GL037461; link to ADS
m* K. Hayashi, M. Tokumaru, M. Kojima, and K. Fujiki, "The MHD simulation of interplanetary space and heliosphere by using the boundary conditions of time-varying magnetic field and IPS-based plasma", AGU fall meeting (#SH13B-1548), 15 - 19 December 2008 / San Francisco, CA
m M. Tokumaru, M. Kojima, K. Fujiki, and K. Hayashi, "Unusual solar wind structure observed during the 2008 sunspot minimum", AGU fall meeting 2008 (#SH23A-1619), 15 - 19 December 2008 / San Francisco, CA
m R. Kataoka, Y. Miyoshi, and K. Hayashi, "Numerical space weather forecast of the solar wind and radiation belts", AGU fall meeting 2008 (#SH51A-1543), 15 - 19 December 2008 / San Francisco, CA
J Alberto M. Vasquez, Richard A. Frazin, Keiji Hayashi, Igor V. Sokolov, Ofer Cohen, Ward B. Manchester IV, and Farzad Kamalabadi, "Validation of Two MHD Models of the Solar Corona with Rotational Tomography", (2008) ApJ, vol.682(2), 1328 - 1337, doi:10.1086/589682; link to ADS
J* Keiji Hayashi, Xue Pu Zhao, and Yang Liu, "MHD Simulations of the Global Solar Corona around the Halloween Event in 2003 Using the Synchronic Frame Format of the Solar Photospheric Magnetic Field", (2008) JGR, vol.113(A7), A07104, doi:10.1029/2007JA012814; link to ADS
m* Keiji Hayashi, "An MHD simulation model of the global solar corona with the time-varying boundary magnetic field based on the measurement data", SPD/AGU joint assembly 2008 (#SH51B-02), 27 - 30 May 2008 / Fort Lauderdale, FL
w* Keiji Hayashi, Xudong Sun, and Yang Liu, "MHD simulation of the solar corona using the daily-updated solar surface magnetic field data", SDO Science Teams Meeting, 25 - 28 March 2008 / Napa, CA; meeting website
W* K. Hayashi, "From the Sun to the Earth ---- MHD models connecting observable and invisible regions (original title given in Japanese)", GEMSIS workshop, 26 - 28 December 2007 / Inuyama, Japan
J M. Kojima, M. Tokumaru, K. Fujiki, K. Hayashi, and B. V. Jackson, "IPS tomographic observations of 3D solar wind structure", (2007) Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions (A&AT), vol.26(6), 467 - 476; doi:10.1080/10556790701596200 link to ADS
m* K. Hayashi, "An MHD simulation model of the global solar corona with the time-varying boundary magnetic field driven with the current at the lower corona", AGU fall meeting 2007 (#SH53A-1072), 10 - 14 December 2007 / San Francisco, CA (abstract)
M T. Satoh, J. E. Connerney, A. Morioka, M. Tokumaru, and K. Hayashi, "Magnetic Reconnection Indicated in Jupiter's H3+ Auroral Flux Variations", AAS/39th DPS (Division of Planetary Science) meeting (#4.08), 7 - 12 October 2007 / Orlando, FL; BAAS vol.39 p.415
m* K. Hayashi, X. P. Zhao, E. Benevolenskaya, and Y. Liu, "MHD Simulation of The Solar Corona Using The Synchronic Frame Format of The Solar Magnetic Field and The EIT-based Temperature Map", AAS 210th meeting (#91.06), 27 - 31 May 2007 / Honolulu, HI; BAAS vol.38 p.205
m* Keiji Hayashi, Xue Pu Zhao, and Elena Benevolenskaya, "MHD Simulation of the Global Solar Corona Using the Synoptic Frame of the Photospheric Magnetic Field and Coronal-Base Temperature", AGU fall meeting 2006 (#SH23B-0351), 11 - 15 December 2006 / San Francisco, CA
W* Keiji Hayashi, "MHD simulation of solar corona and solar wind and the sub-Alfvénic boundary treatments to utilize the measurement data", CAWSES International Workshop on Space Weather Modeling (CSWM), 14 - 17 November 2006, Yokohama, Japan; meeting website
J* K. Hayashi, X. P. Zhao, and Y. Liu, "MHD simulation of two successive interplanetary disturbances driven by Cone-model parameters in IPS-based solar wind", (2006) GRL, vol.33(20), L20103, doi:10.1029/2006GL027408; link to ADS
m* K. Hayashi, X. P. Zhao, and E. Benevolenskaya, "The MHD simulation of the solar corona using the synoptic frame map of the solar photospheric magnetic field and the SOHO/EIT coronal temperature map", 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (#PSW1-0048-06, PSW1-1MO1P-0150, IT2-0150), 16 - 23 July 2006 / Beijing, P. R. China
m* K. Hayashi, X. P. Zhao, and Y. Liu, "The plasma parameters in the shrinking magnetic flux tubes in the solar corona", AGU 2006 Joint Assembly (#SH43A-03), 23 - 26 May 2006 / Baltimore, MD
J Y. Liu and K. Hayashi, "The 2003 October-November Fast Halo Coronal Mass Ejections and the Large-Scale Magnetic Field Structures", (2006) ApJ, vol.640(2), 1135 - 1141, doi:10.1086/500290; link to ADS
PW* Keiji Hayashi, "Three-dimensional time-dependent MHD simulation model of the solar corona and solar wind", Proceedings of the International Living With a Star (ILWS) Workshop (held in Goa, India on 19 - 24 February 2006; edited by N. Gopalswamy, and A. Bhattacharyya) ISBN: 81-87099-40-2, p.124; link to ADS
w* Keiji Hayashi, "MHD simulation of the solar corona using the SOHO/MDI magnetograph data", SDO AIA-HMI Science Teams Meeting, 12 - 17 February 2006 / Monterey, CA
J* Keiji Hayashi, Elena Benevolenskaya, J. Todd Hoeksema, Yang Liu, and Xue Pu Zhao, "Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of a Global Solar Corona Using a Temperature Distribution Map Obtained from SOHO EIT Measurements", (2006) ApJ Letters, vol.636, 165 - 168, doi:10.1086/500127; link to ADS
J* Keiji Hayashi, "Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of the Solar Corona and Solar Wind Using a Boundary Treatment to Limit Solar Wind Mass Flux", (2005) the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ) Supplement Series, vol.161, 480 - 494, doi:10.1086/491791; link to ADS
m* Keiji Hayashi, Yang Liu, and Xue Pu Zhao, "MHD Simulation of the Global Solar Corona Using the Synoptic Frame of the Photospheric Magnetic Field", AGU fall meeting 2005 (#SH11A-0246), 5 - 9 December 2005 / San Francisco, CA
m* Keiji Hayashi, X. P. Zhao, and B. Poduval, "The MHD simulation on the coronal plasma in radially shrinking open magnetic flux tubes", AAS/AGU Joint Assembly (#SH13A-06), 23 - 27 May 2005 / New Orleans, LA (abstract)
m* Keiji Hayashi, Yang Liu, and Xue Pu Zhao, "Time-Dependent Three-Dimensional MHD Simulation of Solar Corona and Solar Wind at Solar Minimum Phase", AGU fall meeting 2004 (#SH13A-1156), 13 - 17 December 2004 / San Francisco, CA
M* K. Hayashi, Y. Liu, and X. P. Zhao, "MHD Simulation Model of the Interplanetary Disturbance Propagation Following the Flare of 2002 April 17" (invited), American Astronomical Society (AAS) 204th meeting (#62.07), 31 May - 3 June 2004 / Denver, CO; BAAS (Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society) vol.36, p.783
w* K. Hayashi, "MHD simulation of solar wind using solar photospheric magnetic field data", Living With a Star (LWS) Workshop, 22 - 26 March 2004 / Boulder, CO
W* K. Hayashi, "Inversion of LOFAR Faraday Rotation Measurement, for solar coronal magnetic field", LOFAR Space Weather Workshop, 27 - 28 January 2004 / San Diego, CA
J M. Kojima, A. R. Breen, K. Fujiki, K. Hayashi, T. Ohmi, and M. Tokumaru, "Fast Solar Wind after the Rapid Acceleration", (2004) JGR, vol.109(A4), A04103, doi:10.1029/2003JA010247; link to ADS
m* K. Hayashi, Y. Liu, and X. Zhao, "Solar Corona Obtained with MHD Simulation Using Various Boundary Treatments Based on Characteristic Projection Method", AGU fall meeting 2003 (#SH42B-0524), 8 - 12 December 2003 / San Francisco, CA (abstract)
m M. Hirano, M. Kojima, M. Tokumaru, K. Fujiki, T. Ohmi, M. Yamashita, K. Hakamada, and K. Hayashi, "The Relation Between the Solar Wind Velocity and the Magnetic Conditions of Coronal Holes", AGU fall meeting 2003 (#SH21B-0164), 8 - 12 December 2003 / San Francisco, CA
J T. Ohmi, M. Kojima, K. Fujiki, M. Tokumaru, K. Hayashi, and K. Hakamada, "Polar low-speed solar wind reappeared at the solar activity maximum of cycle 23", (2003) Geophysical Research Letters (GRL), vol.30(7), L1409, doi:10.1029/2002GL016347; link to ADS
J K. Fujiki, M. Kojima, M. Tokumaru, T. Ohmi, A. Yokobe, K. Hayashi, D. J. McComas, and H. A. Elliott, "How did the solar wind structure change around the solar maximum? ---- From interplanetary scintillation observation", (2003) Annales Geophysichae, vol.21(6), 1257 - 1261, doi: 10.5194/angeo-21-1257-2003; link to ADS
P K. Fujiki, M. Kojima, M. Tokumaru, T. Ohmi, A. Yokobe, K. Hayashi, D. J. McComas, and H. A. Elliott, "Solar wind velocity structure around the solar maximum observed by interplanetary scintillation", (2003) Solar Wind Ten, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.679, 226 - 229, doi:10.1063/1.1618583; link to ADS
P* Keiji Hayashi, Ken'ichi Fujiki, Masayoshi Kojima, and Munetoshi Tokumaru, "Basic Results of MHD Tomography Analysis Method for IPS Observation", (2003) Solar Wind Ten, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.679, 144 - 147, doi:10.1063/1.1618562; link to ADS
P K. Fujiki, M. Kojima, M. Tokumaru, T. Ohmi, A. Yokobe, and K. Hayashi, "Solar Cycle Dependence of High-Latitude Solar Wind", (2003) Solar Wind Ten, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.679, 141 - 143, doi:10.1063/1.1618561; link to ADS
P Tomoaki Ohmi, Masayoshi Kojima, Keiji Hayashi, Atushi Yokobe, Munetoshi Tokumaru, Ken'ichi Fujiki, and Kazuyuki Hakamada, "Evidences for Low-speed Streams from Small Coronal Hole", (2003) Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference (held in Pisa, Italy on 17 - 31 June 2002; edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno and F. Malara), American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings, vol.679, 137 - 140, American Institute of Physics, doi:10.1063/1.1618560; link to ADS
P M. Kojima, M. Tokumaru, K. Fujiki, Y. Ishida, T. Ohmi, K. Hayashi, and M. Yamashita, "Solar wind imaging facility (SWIFT) for space weather research", (2003) Innovative Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar Astrophysics (edited by Stephen L. Keil and Sergey V. Avakyan), Proceedings of the SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics), vol.4853, 121 - 128
M M. Kojima, V. J. Bernard, T. Ohmi, P. Hick, K. Hayashi, M. Tokumaru, and K. Fujiki, "The 3d Solar Wind Over the Solar Cycle Observed by IPS", The Sun and the Heliosphere as an Integrated System, 25th meeting of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Joint Discussion 7, July 2003 / Sydney, Australia
J* Keiji Hayashi, Masayoshi Kojima, Munetoshi Tokumaru, and Ken'ichi Fujiki, "MHD Tomography Method Using Interplanetary Scintillation Measurement", (2003) the Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR), vol.108(A3), 1102 - 1115, doi:10.1029/2002JA009567; link to ADS
∼ 2002 : selected publications/presentations
M* Keiji Hayashi, "Heliospheric MHD simulations using IPS solar wind measurement data (originally given in Japanese)", Astronomical Society of Japan fall meeting, 7 - 10 October 2002 / Miyazaki, Japan
W* Keiji Hayashi, "Global Structure of Solar Wind Derived from IPS observational data and MHD tomography analysis", The Second Japan-Korea-China Joint Workshop on Space Weather (#O-03), 2 - 4 October 2002 / Rikubetsu, Hokkaido, Japan; meeting website
m* Keiji Hayashi, Masayoshi Kojima, Munetoshi Tokumaru, and Ken'ichi Fujiki, "MHD tomography Using IPS observation", American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting 2001 (#SH31A-0697), 10 - 14 December 2001 / San Francisco, CA (abstract)
PW M. Kojima, M. Tokumaru, K. Fujiki, K. Hayashi, A. Yokobe, and T. Ohmi, "Tomographic Observation of Heliosphere using UHF IPS Antennas", Proceedings of 2001 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC '01) (held in Tokyo, Japan on 1 - 4 August 2001), p.240
M* Keiji Hayashi, Masayoshi Kojima, Munetoshi Tokumaru, and Ken'ichi Fujiki, "The three-dimensional structure of the solar wind determined by combining the MHD simulation and the IPS observation data", the 2001 Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, June 2001 / Tokyo, Japan (abstract)
m* K. Hayashi and H. Yoshimura, "The speed of the solar wind and the solar surface and coronal magnetic field", 33rd Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly (#PSW1-0073), 16 - 23 July 2000 / Warsaw, Poland (abstract)
P* K. Hayashi and H. Yoshimura, "Differential Rotation of Coronal Holes", (1995) Proceedings of Yohkoh (Solar-A) and Solar-B Kick-off Meeting, Appendix of Proc. Japan-German Workshop on Solar Physics (held at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan on 22 - 24 February 1994), 249 - 251
P* K. Hayashi and H. Yoshimura, "Differential Rotation of Solar Coronal Holes", (1994) Proceedings of Eighth International Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics Dedicated to Solar Terrestrial Energy Program (STEP) (held in Sendai, Japan on 5 - 10 June 1994; edited by H. Oya and G. Rostoker), p.17, Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP)
P H. Yoshimura, T. Takahashi, and K. Hayashi, "Evolution of Global Pattern of Solar Soft X-Ray Observed by Spacecraft Yohkoh : Co-existence of Zonal and Sectorial Structures", (1994) Proceedings of Eighth International Symposium on Solar Terrestrial Physics Dedicated to Solar Terrestrial Energy Program (STEP) (held in Sendai, Japan on 5 - 10 June 1994; edited by H. Oya and G. Rostoker), p.33, Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP)
P T. Takahashi, S. Tsuneta, K. Hayashi, and H. Yoshimura, "X-Ray Active Nest", (1994) X-ray solar physics from Yohkoh. Frontiers Science Series, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the YohKoh Scientific Results (held in Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan on 23 - 25 February 1993; edited by Yutaka Uchida, Tetsuya Watanabe, Kazunari Shibata, and Hugh S. Hudson), p.293, Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, Japan; link to Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Abstract Service
J   : article in peer-reviewed journal
P/p : article in conference proceedings with/without peer-reviewing/refereeing
M/m : oral/poster presentation at society meeting
W/w : oral/poster presentation at conferences and workshops other than (regular) society meeting
o   : through other types of media and venue
*   : appearing as the first author
some of my abstracts to meetings/conferences/workshops

K. Hayashi